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Comment Why not make it an option? (Score 5, Interesting) 150

So, whoever made the decision to do this, please comment:

You obviously knew that some people were going to dislike putting polls in the front page. (People have already brought up multiple valid reasons why it's a bad idea in this thread.) Making it possible to exclude polls from the front page should be trivial -- most obviously, just create a new "poll" topic and then existing options can be used to exclude those from my news feed. So why didn't you do that?

Every time there's a controversial decision in regards to Slashdot, the editors are always quick to claim that they're trying to do what's best for the users. But decisions like this make it obvious that you're not. If you actually were considering what your readers want, you would never have made this change without at least providing an option to turn it off.

Comment Re:Does US have any real jurisdiction over FIFA? (Score 1) 194

30 years ago = 80s, so yes we agree. Prior to that, not so much. And http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B... helped bring attention to the sport in the U.S. Certainly, as we become more Latin, we'll see much more. But, the best thing FIFA could do for itself financially would be to bring the games to the U.S. Thus far, their marketing of it here pales in comparison to that of other sports.

Comment Re:US world cup (Score 3, Informative) 194

As an American who's spent a not insignificant portion of his life in the great white north (I also have family there), I don't understand why it is that only Canadians seem to bring this up. Americans have no interest in Canada ever becoming a state. You're our best trading partner, and have a long history of being one of our best allies. Many of us have even accepted hockey, but we draw the line at curling.

Comment Re:Does US have any real jurisdiction over FIFA? (Score 1) 194

And that, in short, is the kind of response you would get from 99% of US sports fans...

Just my $.02...as another American, I'd have agreed with you about 30 years ago. But then along came soccer moms, and their kids have grown up, and another generation of kids playing have taken their place. I believe we're now at about 98.5%.

Comment Re:Seems to Be a Pattern of Behavior (Score 1) 384

I was actually quite surprised at how responsive the owners have been on those two issues. They clearly invested a lot of money and time into beta, and I dread to think what kind of favours Bennet was offering, but in the end they listened to us.

The anti-beta crowd essentially managed to make the comment threads unusable for a couple days before Slashdot finally relented. I think that was more a matter of them realizing that by the time they rolled out the beta, all the normal readers would have already been driven away.

Comment Re:SubjectsSuck (Score 1) 384

By the way, thanks for posting this, Soulskill.

Frankly, the excuse of why it took so long is pretty lame -- we're supposed to believe that it's just a coincidence that the story critical of a /. sister site is the only one that got delayed for several days? -- but at least now it's been acknowledged.

Comment SubjectsSuck (Score 4, Interesting) 384

The original announcement for when Sourceforge added the "feature" of injecting malware into installers said that the money earned would be shared with the developers. So I have to wonder: did they send the GIMP a check? Have the GIMP developers demanded that Sourceforge do so?

On the assumption that Sourceforge did not, it seems like they've just burned a bridge that they shouldn't have. They killed any trust that users would have had for SF projects a long time ago, but developers who were willing to sell out have stuck around. But now that developers know that SF is willing to just assume control of a project (and the associated profits), why would any developer continue to use SF.

Submission + - SourceForge Joins the Bundle Wagon

An anonymous reader writes: The irony of submitting this on /. is not lost on me.
"Apparently, SourceForge's mysterious "sf-editor1" has also claimed ownership of a number of other accounts for open source and other software projects."
SF is claiming ownership of these projects for the specious reason of them being "abandoned" when in fact these project simply stopped using SF (apparently for good reason).

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