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Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 1) 631

They will credit your money back the next day, but they likely won't credit all the overdraft charges that occurred while your account was at zero due to the fraudulent charges. And since they have your checking account number, not a debit card number (which is processed by Visa / MC, meaning they are still in the loop), you don't get these protections anyway.

Comment Re:Windows 8 app store? (Score 1) 188

Developing for any device (successfully) would be difficult without a device, regardless of platform. You can get iPod Touches fairly cheap on eBay. You do, however, need to pay Apple $99/year to be an iOS developer, however. But for that, they'll distribute all your apps for no additional charge (assuming your app is free.) Android development tools are free, but you pretty much have to have a device to do anything. Their "simulator" is worthless.

Comment Re:Laugh all the way to the bank (Score 1) 83

So it looks like Samsung might not only have a good case to halt payment, but may also have grounds for a countersuit to get back the money MS has already illegally extracted.

I'd bet you can voluntarily "license" expired patents, if you desire to do so. It will all come down to the wording on the agreement. I'd bet Samsung will lose, since they are even more slimy than Microsoft and Microsoft has proven one thing over the years: they have good lawyers. (Whereas, Samsung has largely proven the opposite for their lawyers.)

Comment Re:Too many apps, too much appcrap (Score 5, Insightful) 258

Most apps perform way, way faster all the while using significantly less data than do web sites. This may be more a ding against most web sites, but is valid none the less. I use a number of apps that can fetch their data and display it before a mobile browser has even pulled down the main content, let alone the 20 JavaScript libraries, 12 crap affiliate site icons/links and the countless images that add nothing.

However, some apps are worse than their mobile web site versions, e.g. most news sites.

My own company's mobile app, which I developed, can typically refresh a page in under 25 ms via 3G. Plus, customers prefer the apps to the mobile web sites.

Comment Re:Not worth it (Score 1) 138

They noted "This is a natural partnership for us" and I was thinking, "what, the Hulu executives are a bunch of foul-mouthed caricatures?" As you noted, they are the brainchild of broadcast networks, so perhaps, yes. I think the characters on South Park may have demonstrated more business savvy than these executives, though.

But, same deal here, I'll never pay for Hulu anything. If Netflix doesn't offer it or I can't otherwise find it, I just don't need to watch it.

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