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Comment Re:This is Great (Score 0) 322

Not going to happen. The idea is to get you used to having the OS phone home for "activation". Then you are ripe for milking annually to keep them from sending you the "de-activation" packet. They want to go to an annual subscription model, like Adobe. Then they can make you teabagging cock-smokers pay EVERY year instead of every 3-5 like now.

Comment Re:Oh dear! (Score 1) 254

Oh, they are quite spendable. You just can't get any new ones. Also, be prepared to also spend about a half hour of people at the bank examining them with a magnifying glass, and explaining where you got them. Better still, sell them on eBay to a collector, where you will get WAY more than $1000 apiece for them.

Comment Re:Calculator? (Score 3, Interesting) 177

Hehe, reminds me of High School back in 1975, when the school had only one computer class ( for Honors Seniors only!!) and that was via an LA-36 DecWriter and 110 BPS accoustic modem to the local Data Processing service, where a PDP-11 running RSTS/E BASIC would service hundreds of time-share customers, including our High School.

I was lucky enough to have had an HP-65 back in 1975. For Geometry 2 class, I passed the finals with an "A" after the teacher noticed I was using the calculator, he asked me to explain to him what I was doing, and I told him I wrote a program on it to factor polynomials. I showed him how it worked. He smiled and said "If you know it well enough to write an algorithm to do it, you KNOW it. You pass!"

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