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Comment Re:Meaning (Score 1) 227

Don't let them watch movies until he's read the books they're based on.

We did this with the Harry Potter series. We let my oldest (now almost 11) watch the first two movies and then insisted that he read the books with me before he could see any more movies. (He could see a subsequent movie when he finished the book.)

We recently started his with our youngest (7). I let him watch the first movie and now he's reading the first book with my wife. He will be able to watch the other movies as he finishes the books.

In other words, we used the first movie as a hook to get them interested in the series. Not something you can do with any book/movie, but works very nicely with Harry Potter. As a bonus, they can really appreciate what was cut out of the books to make them into movies. As much as I like the movies, the books contain a LOT more details for why things happen and have many subplots that were cut entirely.

Excellent :-)

Mine just finished LoTRs in French. Trying to find stuff in English that he hasn't already read in French is a bit tricky because he's better in French and tends to get his hands on stuff before I can, um, manage the flow.

Comment Re:Meaning (Score 1) 227

I've got a kid who is clearly ahead of the class with mathematics but clearly behind the class with reading. So, these studies probably mean it isn't a fundamental ability problem, so where do I go from here?

Aptitude is only half the story. The other half is being interested in the subject.

My suggestions:
Read with them.
Don't let them watch movies until he's read the books they're based on.
Find stories that they fall into and can't put the book down.

Comment Re: Quiet, Troll (Score 1) 402

Yes, we agree that we feel the same way about the other.

Each brings their 'evidence' which the other does not appear to be listening to. I have listened to what you have to say and I believe that you find rationalizations and justifications for thinking what you want. Of course you think the same thing of me.

You might find it worth noting that Hamas would also slaughter me and my family. I have no reason at all to have bias against Israel or for Hamas. Yet still I believe that Israel is going about defense the wrong way.

As far as world leaders...No I do not think that Israel controls any other countries. But I do think that if Israel were not such a strategic necessity of western powers that Israel would not be getting away with what has been gotten away with. I don't hear any world leaders saying that Israel is doing the right thing, whereas I do hear otherwise. The last article I sent you was the US condemning the Israeli attack. Of course you dismissed this just like you dismiss anything else that you don't like but whatever.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer, though you are busy.

If you're in Paris and have time let me know and we can meet for coffee or a drink. I work across the street from the Israeli embassy.

Comment Re: Quiet, Troll (Score 1) 402

Frankly, discussion with you is pointless because you will obviously believe what you want to believe regardless of any other information presented. On top of that you have a habit of not actually paying attention to what I say.

Enjoy your rationalizations. If you are religious I hope they serve you well in whatever afterlife you may believe in.

Comment Re:to sum it up (Score 2) 54

to sum it up, if a FB server is idle it consumes 60 watts, if CPU is minimally utilised it consumes 130 watts and if it's utilised more it consumes 150 watts.

Instead of round robin use an algorithm that pushes requests to the servers that are already processing other requests, thus allowing many CPUs to remain at 60 watts, while some CPUs to hit 150 watts of power consumption and so instead of doubling or almost trippling power consumption of all servers due to round robin distribution of requests, tripple power consumption of fewer CPUs and let many CPUs to stay at 60 watts.

Sure, it's an interesting thing to optimise, but unless you are running dozens or maybe hundreds and even thousands of servers in a data centre you won't care about this much at all.

Some of us do actually run hundreds or thousands of web servers so it is actually interesting to us.

Also, I think the idea is not only applicable to web servers. I'm not an expert in this field but I would think the power consumption difference is due to dynamic frequency scaling both by direct consumption and by subsequent heat generation.

Comment Re: Quiet, Troll (Score 1) 402

There was nothing stored at this school.

Even if there had been, Israel could have sent in foot soldiers who could use those super weapons called eyeballs to decide who to kill and who not.

Instead, as Israel does not want to incur military casualties of their own which would cause political backlash in Israel itself, they shell at a distance - easy for them but incurring, overall, seven times as many dead Palestinian children as there have been Israeli military and civilian casualties combined. Dead Palestinian children being more acceptable in Israel, obviously, than dead Israeli soldiers.

Comment Re: Quiet, Troll (Score 1) 402

"Before, you were implicitly accusing of Israel of impotency, of wishing to kill the Palestinains off, but failing."
No I never did so don't put words in my mouth.

"This time around, you are implicitly accusing Israel of super-potency."
I have said from the beginning that Israel is super potent indeed.

" You are implying Israel has a choice in the matter. That it has some magical weapons able to distinguish a civilian from an active militant."
Yes, they're called eyeballs. What a soldier has in his head that a shell does not. Combined with judgement said soldier can generally determine if a child playing on a swingset is a danger or not.

Don't use the excuse of 'If Hamas had it'. Of course if Hamas had a super weapon they would wipe out as many Israeli civilians as they could. I have never said otherwise and I would not condone such an act as I do not condone the attacks that Hamas uses now against Israeli civilians, but neither do I accept this as an excuse of Israeli behavior of shelling indiscriminately instead of sending in foot soldiers.

The leaflets. Tell me exactly how the leaflets were supposed to protect the civilians and UN staff in the UN compound that were killed by incidental shelling?

There is no place for Palestinian civilians to go that can be considered safe at this point.

Oh leave off with the word genocide. Used or not the reality is that Israel kills Palestinian civilians without any more care than the Germans had for the killing of Jews in WW2.

Comment Re:Design Issue (Score 1) 60

if the firewall sees traffic it doesn't understand it's just going to drop it.

MPTCP is backwards compatible with stateful firewalls, so unless your firewall knows about MPTCP, it will think it's just another TCP stream for an unknown Layer7 protocol and nothing will look wrong.

Sure, but if (due to MPTCP) the firewall only sees part of the flow (sequence number problem) or does not see the first packet of the flow as some packets are taking a path that does not flow through the firewall, it will drop the traffic.

This is why I said this whole topic is a design issue. All paths must go through the firewall or traffic will be dropped.

Comment Re: Quiet, Troll (Score 1) 402

So Hamas is not commotion genocide because it is attacking Jews, Arabs and others indiscriminatingly. And Israel is not because they are motivated by either self defence or greed/conquest. So please stop using the word.

Don't be an idiot.

The word is accurate in both cases. In the case of Israel, however, the use of the word brings to mind the hypocrisy of Israel as they have complained long and loudly, and rightly so, at the treatment they had at the hands of the Germans in WW2 and yet they treat another group of people exactly as they themselves do not want to be treated.

Comment Re:Quiet, Troll (Score 2) 402

I always find the "genocide" mantra strange.

Pick any place in the world where a "genocide" accusation was levied, and you get a death count in the hundreds of thousands at least. Over the past decade, less than ten thousand Palestinian were killed by Israel (this number includes Palestinian killed while holding and using a weapon, which would not, normally, be counted in the "genocide" statistics). If Israel is committing genocide, why is the death toll so low?

Either Israel is attempting genocide, but is being completely incompetent about it, or the genocide accusation is pure bullshit.


noun \je-n-sd\

: the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group

There is no requirement for a particular quantity of people to be killed.

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