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Comment Re:I hate this day (Score 0) 179

Actually, you take me far more seriously than I take either you or myself COMBINED. You are literally stalking me on this forum in your AC sockpuppet in a pathetic attempt to eek out some revenge for getting your underwear rhetorically wedged so hard your gender flipped.

You're never going to win against me. I've more intelligence, more education, and more experience... you're like some savage in a canoe challenging a space ship. You're so fucking far out of your league you literally give me the giggles every time you make another pathetic attempt to redeem yourself.

*rolls eyes*

Comment Re:This whole issue needs to be buried (Score 1) 365

The reason for their behaviour is interesting, but I don't know what it is

And checkmate.

You don't know the reason for the behavior. And absent a "why" you can't cite bigotry or prejudice.

The "why" is critical. And without that you can't speak to the motivations of anyone making any of those choices.

The allegation is sexual discrimination. You don't know that. You know that decisions are being made on a single variable but you don't know WHY.

The fact that both sexes are making the same choice suggests that it is not discrimination. It does not prove that it is not however it does suggest that.

The only theory to the contrary would be your subconscious bias theory which is incredibly thin.

At best, what you have is grounds to do a more involved study and make contact with the managers to ask them why they offered one price to one person and another price for another.

Until that happens you don't have "why" which means the underlying motivations shall remain unknown.

Which is the best evidence you've got so far apparently. Unknown. *golf clap*

Comment Re:I hate this day (Score 0) 179

When I saw I got a message from an AC in this thread, I KNEW you were going to make my day.

You ARE trolling me! :D


That's fucking priceless. You're so butt hurt over getting raped in the previous discussions that you're following me around on Slashdot to make stupid comments under your AC name.

Too funny.

Well, thanks for the laugh... you do realize that the more you obessess over me, the more you prove how much I got to you... right? I mean, I don't give a shit about you. Even if you weren't hiding behind that AC sockpuppet. But I apparently mean something to you.

That just means I out trolled you without even trying to troll you. I mean, you're sitting there TRYING to piss me off and really... you're just making yourself more and more upset.


See in the next thread. I'm sure you'll be there to make self defeating comments there too. :D

Comment Re:Given his record, why am I listening to him? (Score 1) 397

You tried to build your entire argument around how you feel about someone. You don't have a moral upper hand here.

I just stated the record and then moved on with my argument. I actually spent very little time actually talking about him. I focused most of my post on the issue itself and not on him.

You are a liar who lied with his pants on fire.

You're also an AC POS. :D

Understand, you're not a liar because you're an AC. You're a liar that happens to be an AC... and it is becoming increasingly clear to me that most ACs are just fucking stupid trolls.

As to me not understanding your statement, I note that you don't clarify or explain your statement or in fact correct me at all.

Which means... I did understand your statement? Correct me, bitch. I double dog dare your stupid ass.

Why is fox news or the old left versus right thing coming into this issue? I didn't bring ideology into this discussion, but YOU just did. Could it be that YOU are such a political tool that you'll go to bat for plagiarists if they happen to share your ideology? :D Seems so, sunshine.

I don't want tv news by the way... its full of idiots. I stick to the written word.

Anywho, thanks for validating my theories on ACs and on you in particular. Stellar job living up to precisely the sort of shit I'm talking about.

For the record, why are you on an AC account? I'd love to know another reason for why so many trolls are on hyper anonomymized sockpuppetable accounts. You know... besides trolling. :D

Comment Re:This whole issue needs to be buried (Score 1) 365

As to what you have to do... make a coherent argument. You can't just cite that study without analysis and sit there with your arms crossed.

That's just a forfeit on your part.

Engage or disengage. Choose.

As to the article's proof, I provided a variaty of reasons for it. And really, your disinterest in the reasons and motivations of the female employers is disturbing. It displays an incurious mentality.

As to your assertion that attacking a theory is inherently ad hominem... that's not what those words mean. You say I'm not offering reasons? They don't have evidence. The whole thing is at best a pseudo science. That is not an insult. That is a challenge of the the discipline's credibility. I cited that related theories have been debunked quite intensely and the only reason subconscious bias survives at all is because the concept is so nebulous that it is like trying to attack smoke.

There is no concrete evidence for it. And I could no more prove it doesn't exist by finding it then you could prove God exists or any other negative.

As to your assertion that I'm taking you out of context, I admit I am... intentionally. But only after you have taken your study out of context.

Your study applies to academia. That is its context. You apply it outside of that context and YOU are taking it out of context.

In any case, it is quite clear you're not interested in an actual discussion. You just commented to shit talk. You're neither very good at it, nor do you know anything I don't already know.

You're therefore boring to me and since the only reason I comment here is to entertain myself... you have no value to me anymore.

This discussion is concluded.

Good day.

Comment Re:Don't conflate the prequels... (Score 1) 360

Empire strikes back is solid. Come on.

Also, it has one of the best sound tracks of any movie ever... and it is generally a fun movie. It has lasted this long for a reason.

You know want to know something that didn't last?... Dark star... I think is what it was called. It came out after starwars from warner brothers as a me too movie. And it died and no one remembers it.

Comment Re:Given his record, why am I listening to him? (Score 1) 397

Oh look, an AC opens his comment with a stupid insult. How novel.

As to your comment that the expense of higher education isn't relevant its all about the next disruptive TECHNOLOGY and we don't know what that is going to be... will this technology be in the humanities? Will it be a poetry robot?

Give a flying fucking break.

As to poets just being linguists... how many of those jobs opened up in the last few years and what do they make?

Next issue.

As to my grammatical error, that was a typo. You're attempting to claim superiority to me on an internet forum because of a typo. How pathetic and desperate are you?

As to your conclusion that I am a hypocrite for condemning reactionary behavior when I noted that the person being quoted is a known plagiarist with a poor record of journalistic ethics... So, you think not being a reactionary means having no fucking brain what so ever?

don't respond. Either log in to your real account or just don't post. I'm so fucking tired of these idiot ACs making stupid shit comments behind a triple layer of anonymity.

You people are literally ruining this community with your crap.

Comment Re:Correlation and Causation (Score 1) 324

If I'm not owed anything because I didn't read the article then your sweeping assessment of my post is also wrong. You didn't read or understand my post. You read just far enough to find one thing wrong and then judged it.

You made the same error I did but unlike me, you lack the humility to admit your own mistakes. ;)

Comment Re:Psychology is bullshit (Score 1) 353

Well, that is logically impossible since basically every post after the first had nothing to do with psychology.

What happened was there was ONE post about psychology WHICH I MADE, you said something stupid about it which had nothing to do with psychology... and then there are just endless pages of me asking you to explain what was wrong and you refusing to do it.

You've actually at no point demonstrated that YOU know anything about psychology. Why is that?

So... how could all those posts have proved that I knew nothing about psychology when they weren't even about psychology?

Do you see how completely out of your depth you are with me? I'm not claiming to be a genius... you're just a profoundly stupid person.

I do sorta read your posts... the only thing I look for is whether you answered the challenge though. If you don't, then I just glaze over it because it doesn't matter.

Every time you evade, you admit I'm right. You've so far been calling yourself an idiot and a coward by proxy for days.

And that pathetic attempt to claim to be another dude? Priceless. Seriously... Golf clap for you.

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