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Submission + - What's the best videoconferencing solution for elders you've come across so far?

gardas writes: Technology has brought us together; except for some of our loved ones, who have serious difficulty adopting it. I have failed miserably trying to find a solution to talk my older family. My grandfather compared videoconferencing to speaking with spirits, and got rid of a highly configured laptop I had brought him (remote admin; one-button shutdown; Skype auto-answer), because it was too complicated. I also tried Logitech's HDTV camera with no success: It wouldn't control the TV fully so it still needed a lot of user interaction to switch the TV input back after a call, etc. I see lots of big-button cell phones, but no analog in videoconferencing.

The question: What is the best videoconferencing solution for elders you've come across so far?

Comment Re:Email lets you organize your thoughts (Score 1) 115

My co-workers who don't use email do that for a reason... they don't want to be accountable for what they say. My boss will sometimes send me an email asking me to come over to his office, where he will tell me something that he could have said in the email, but didn't want it to be on the record. Not much I can do about that but for anybody who isn't my boss, they know if I don't get it in an email I will ignore it. Because I can cover my ass too.

Comment Re:Pales to UE4 (Score 1) 74

Yeah, I'm talking about HL2DM, which I've been playing for the better part of a decade, during half of which I ran my own servers using my own maps and mods. So I'm pretty familiar with the situation, which at the moment is sad and getting sadder. I'd love HL3, DM or not, it's just not going to happen.

Submission + - Ubuntu To Officially Switch To SystemD Next Monday

jones_supa writes: Ubuntu is going live with SystemD, reports Martin Pitt in the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list. Next Monday, Vivid (15.04) will be switched to boot with SystemD instead of UpStart. The change concerns desktop, server, and all other current flavors. Technically, this will flip around the preferred dependency of init to systemd-sysv | upstart in package management, which will affect new installs, but not upgrades. Upgrades will be switched by adding systemd-sysv to ubuntu-standard's dependencies. If you want, you can manually do the change already, but it's advisable to do an one-time boot first. Right now it is important that if you run into any trouble, file a proper bug report in Launchpad (ubuntu-bug systemd). If after some weeks it is found that there are too many or too big regressions, Ubuntu can still revert back to UpStart.

Comment Re:Oh God No... (Score 2) 222

How do you conclude that replicants don't appear to age? Most of them didn't live long enough to appear older, but for those that don't have an expiration date (presumably Deckard and Rachael) , there was nothing to imply that they wouldn't appear to age as they, well, aged. Apparently quite a few people did not understand what a "replicant" was supposed to be in the movie, or, for instance, why they would need human organs, like eyes. Hint: NOT A ROBOT.

Submission + - Pat Robertson attacks NASA Mars exploration, says God did not create aliens (examiner.com)

MarkWhittington writes: According to a story in Salon, Pat Robertson, a televangelist and former presidential candidate, took to the airwaves on his “700 Club” and choose to inveigh against NASA in general and the exploration of Mars in specific. He seems to have it on good authority that God would not choose to create life on any other world but the Earth. His supposition is in the distinct minority among mainstream theologians though perhaps not of fundamentalist Christians like Robertson

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