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Comment Re:The lack of debate (Score 1) 52

this is why laissez-faire capitalism is bad

Maybe. Capitalism is an abstract economic system. As such, it's no more evil than, say, Marxism.
Individuals have committed all manner of sin under every possible economic system.
However, Capitalism seems to have done a better job of minimizing misery than pretty much anything else tried.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Does #OccupyResoluteDesk Read Slashdot? 52

He reminded Republicans that some of the ideas behind the Affordable Care Act--most notably its individual mandate to buy coverage--were once supported by some conservatives, although its Medicaid expansion and some other big parts of the law stem more from liberal thought.
"The Affordable Care Act pretty much was their plan before I adopted it," he said.

Comment Re:Not concerned (Score 1) 177

I think it's more likely we'll ban human drivers. Just this morning I counted over 16 silver/grey/blue-grey vehicles driving in pouring rain and light fog without headlights on. On average a computer driver today is probably better than a human, and they'll just get better as time moves on whereas human improvements are a bit slower to happen.

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