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Comment Re:Arab? (Score 1) 190

Who is arrogant? The more numerous Spanish speakers in the rest of the Americas ? Or the USA for assuming that American refers uniquely to those in the US. Apparently you consider it pedantry to point out that that people holding your opinion are in the minority.

Comment Re:Arab? (Score 1) 190

Spent any significant time outside The US? I've been taken to task by people from other countries in the Americas for the USA's use of American to mean only US citizens. Travel some more and you'll see my point. You'll also use fewer US specific references like Miss SC.

Comment Re:Anecdotal evidence (Score 1) 241

Nope, the problem is that Windows does not have task aggregation like Grand Central Dispatch so the CPU is constantly getting interrupted & never actually spends much time in low power states. Read the article I linked. Driver non-optimisation is not the problem, less OS optimisation in Windows is.

Comment Re:Anecdotal evidence (Score 1) 241

Read the article that I linked. Grand Central Dispatch & other optimisations that Apple has brought to OS X are what makes the difference in Battery life. It goes far beyond mere driver optimisation. The entire GUI stack has changed & you cannot bring equivalent optimisations to other OSs by "optimising the drivers".

The level of ignorance ("it's a driver optimisation problem) & bias ("thats why I've abandoned Apple") you display are unfortunately all too common.

Comment Re:Arab? (Score 1) 190

Really... So that middle word in UAE is some completely different word that is just spelled the same. Of course it's everybody else that is ignorant & you are here to teach everyone else that Arab doesn't mean Arab.

As for your brilliant conclusion that I'm an ignorant American, eh bien non mais mes potes Moroccains, Tunisians et Algerians vont trouver cela hilarant.

Comment Re:new acronym (Score 1) 613

Nope: It only becomes pejorative when the actions of the people it is used to describe are in the majority condemnable - a point that repeatedly flies way over your narrowly focused head.

My initial exposure to the term was long ago and in the context of people like Ghandi & MLK & Mandela. All admirable SJWs.

It's when it's been used since to describe zealots like you who equate any resistance to your methods with being the worst kind of racist/sexist/...ist that it becomes pejorative.

Comment Re:Anecdotal evidence (Score 5, Interesting) 241

Apple has been optimising OS X for years, but not for Graphics Performance. They've been optimising it for longer battery duration.

It's been years since I've needed or even noticed needing better graphics performance yet battery performance of OS X pure versus Windows? Oh yeah, THAT I notice. On the occasions I forget a charger I have to minimise running Windows or I'll be running out of battery at least twice as fast as when using OS X. I can get work 7 Hours using just the battery on my rMBP with occasional excursions to Windows to check mail but or use corporate windows only tools but running windows will only give me 3 hours. Windows isn't even doing much, it just does it all the time & never lets the CPU sleep for any significant time - see here for reasons why.

Yeah, the pure graphics performance may be poorer on OS X. Most people don't care as long as it's good enough.

Comment Re:Arab? (Score 4, Insightful) 190

Hypersensitive much?

UAE: United Arab Emirates
USA: United States of America

Calling it an Arab mission when the word Arab is in the name of the country that is financing it is neither more nor less precise or racist than calling the Apollo the American moon program -- which is often is.

Is the UAE the only Arabic country? No, but then neither are the citizens of the USA the only Americans.

Comment Re:Metorite cult (Score 3, Interesting) 190

It's not a rover, it's an orbiter. The only thing that need to be deployed are the three solar panels & that will be in Earth orbit - the spectrometers & an imager do not need to be deployed.

My question is how they will be communicating with it. Does the UAE have the capability to do so alone or will they be relying on NASA's DSN?

Comment Re:And cuts funding for NASA to research earth sys (Score 1) 103

Both have essential functions in modern society but that is no reason to spread simplifications to the point they become falsehoods. Saying that the left gives & the right takes away is a lie. The left takes from everyone & distributes the majority to their electorate & the right pushes to grow the economy by limiting taxes & governmental controls.

I don't need to imagine what would happen were the left to dominate overmuch, I currently live in France where both US major parties are seen as right wing. Your dream of cutting off one of the necessary hands is our reality. The resulting high taxes & governmental mismanagement are destroying the economy. What should be the most dynamic part of the economy (those under 30) are unemployed: 25% and growing, year by socialist year. When the number one objective of children in France is to become a civil servant and the objective of the more dynamic has become to emigrate the dynamic is self-fufilling and downward.

So please stop spreading your over-simplified bullshit, "cutting off one hand" does not lead to a better society and the left's redistribution of wealth has costs & needs to be controlled.

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