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Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

You have surrendered your critical thought in order to pledge allegiance to your extremist screed & I still have mine, so no, I do not understand when you fall back on your self-referential leftist creed.

You espouse extremist political views that directly led to the deaths of hundreds of millions over the past century yet it is my beliefs (and those of everybody else who isn't an extremist like you) that is "hateful"?

Again, you're schizophrenic. You cannot overcome your mental problems until you recognize that you are sick & blaming others for your problems will only postpone it.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

Do I listen to someone who has admitted to not caring for the welfare of the vast majority of people? I believe this thread proves it. Do I believe anything you say when you recite from the leftist playbook? No.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

What I see is fringe idiots yet again screaming "DANGER! DANGER! RUN THAT WAY!" hoping that "the herd" runs blindly over a cliff so that they can profit from the death of current herd leaders. It has worked before & those who refuse to examine history may fall into your trap. I, however see through your attempts at perform the same mindless trick & denounce you for it.

When extremists call everyone else "one sided and biased" you know that they have drunk the kool-aid and no longer have any contact with reality whatsoever. The basis of being a centrist is not to close your eyes and mind to ideas as you do but to leave yourself open to ideas and evaluate which are worthwhile & which are self serving bullshit.

Yeah, yeah all info that doesn't fall into your narrow mindset is Propaganda, while you and the other fringies have somehow made the old leftist lies shiny & new. Seen it before, recognise it for the crap that destroyed nation after nation & will not be hoodwinked.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

Ah the extremists, always willing to sacrifice someone else's life and happiness in order to further their short term objectives. All it takes is a holier than thou attitude to sacrifice everyone else on the alter of your own ambition -- you pretend that that it is all for the global good but deep down you know it it is merely to a long-term bid to seize riches & power for yourselves as history has proven time after time after time after time. It's either that or you are a fool incapable of looking more than one step ahead.

As a citizen of Europe, it is MY government that is handing over yet more billions to bail out Greece's refusal to tax its population & bloated bureaucracy again. It is real money that will have to be paid out of my pockets or more probably that of my children & grandchildren through a reduction in the capability of my state to finance things that would benefit us. Your arguments that it is fake money are intellectual puffery empty of meaning.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

I'm actually a centrist disgusted by both the far left & the far right (who often work together as they do within Syriza).

Yeah, yeah, we're all sheep because we see through the candy coating you are attempting to sell to the excrement inside. Not our fault, make someone else pay turns into everyone (except for the new rulers) is poor. As long as the new rulers give lip service to being anti-capitalist you dipshits don't care.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

I suppose that you are referring to Tsipiras now that he has seen the error of your leftist "Resist at all costs" crap. The only way the extreme left reduces inequality is by insuring that all are poor as dirt.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

The only grand larceny attempted was the Greek attempt at defrauding the rest of Europe. Funny how even Tsipiras has completely renounced your positions in his acts once he went through a week of no banks & realised that his bluff was going to be called. The Greeks don't burn the banks because deep down they know that they were at fault & now know that will be held to their promises or excluded from the Euro.

I can see how difficult it is for you to come to terms with reality. Coming to grips with personal & collective responsibility is always so hard for the orthodox leftists. It's always someone else's fault for you.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

"Abominable Austerity?" Apparently it looks really really good to Tsipiras now.

Until the middle of last week the Tsipiras & their Economy Minister were claiming that everyone when called for the Greeks to respect their word & follow through on the reforms that they promised to implement _years_ ago were fascists. Supposedly, it is sufficient to vote for a populist that claims he can suspend economic realities like a bloated inefficient civil service & almost universal tax fraud for all problems to evaporate. Creditors who refuse to sign yet another blank check for a truant population and a government that does not respect it's word were saddled with #ThisIsACoup.

Tsipiras has now had a taste of the how Greece would fare without continued international support blinked and performed a 180, giving in to conditions that he had rejected previously. I give him credit for more wisdom & less stupid pride than he has displayed up to now, too bad he had to waste months and billions more. It remains to be seen if the rest of the Greek legislators are able to swallow their pride & implement the reforms that condition continued international support. Greece needs unanimous acceptance by the rest of Europe for this third bailout to be effective. Any more of the grandstanding and idiotic positions by the Greeks will cause the votes in the rest of Europe to fail.

So, who is it that has his wires crossed? Me, who has been saying accept the conditions or exit the Euro, Tsipiras who was elected on one agenda & is now following mine or yours which even Tsipiras has renounced?

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

So, it's the Dutch AC's fault for lending money to the Greeks. It's his dirty money that paid the greeks salary & kept the Greek banks solvent. Indeed it's the Dutchman's fault that the Greeks falsified their way into a debtor's pit.

You're not calling for anyone to give anything, you just want the Greeks to never pay back the money they were loaned on condition that it be paid back... Nope that's not asking for anyone to give anything, nope... It's just bare faced theft.

As for cultural programming, apparently for you anyone with capitol needs to be stripped of it so that you and your fellow leftists can find "better" things to do with it -- all this without being able to claim that this spoliation is unjust -- because your cultural programming says so.

You're schizophrenic.

Comment Re:Algorithm (Score 1) 233

So, by placing an ad for a babysitter in a rural newspaper for babysitters in an area where there are no minorities is for you a racist act excluding inner city minority girls. After all by only placing it in a rural newspaper it is targeting only whites...

Word fail me that you are convinced that every act can be considered racist. Hey, you're posting here on slashdot. The majority of readers are white & male. You're sexist & racist!

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