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Comment Re:Deism (Score 1) 937

Thinking about our place in the universe is a religious activity

No, it's not. Thinking about our place in the universe is a philosophical activity. There is no need for an organization to think about these things. One can do so on one's own.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 352

On that basis you could argue that a formula 1 racecar would be a good car to do the weekly shopping in, just because it has a steering wheel, an engine, and 4 wheels, just like every other car.

There's a difference between "racecar" (a word connoting a car with a specific purpose: racing) and "car" (a word connoting a general concept with a steering wheel, an engine, and 4 wheels). The word "laptop" is generic (like "car"). Your definition of "laptop" (a portable machine with a price point under X per performance Y running Microsoft Windows): that's much more specific than the general usage of "laptop", more akin to "racecar".

Comment Re:911 was down for us Friday night (Score 1) 610

> how can you download software patches

When you want to, when you have cleared some space and you're ready. Just like you should be able to choose when to download anything, and how to use your disk drive space.

I recommend turning the option to download all music back to it's default setting: OFF. That way you can have control over the music downloads just like you have control over patches.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 352

Of course I know what a macBook is. Thanks to it being waaay overpriced and having relatively dismal hardware specs, and also being locked into a proprietary Apple universe, I practically don't even consider it a laptop at all, let alone anything I would actually want to give money for.

Language is funny in that it's a shared method of communicating. If you want to redefine laptop to mean "laptop with a utility to price ratio over X" (however you measure utility) then you should probably say that as when you say "you can't buy a laptop without it", it's quite misleading to most readers that don't share that view.

Comment Re:KIlling off the Microsoft Store Name Too (Score 1) 352

But why shouldn't Microsoft adopt those things? Apple has shown that they work. And Microsoft wanted to create a different environment than the other stores selling their products are offering.

Exactly! I don't disagree. The thread then devolved by a misunderstanding by AC "Because selling software in an online market place is clearly all invented by Apple". The entire topic has been retail stores, not online App Stores. Then ormico chimed in with "Because Apple invented selling products in physical stores?"

Ormico: they did not invent it but they did improve it. Revenue per square meter is a good metric of that. It makes sense to study what it is that they did to achieve that and have other business learn from it.

Comment Re:Microsoft can now kill Java (Score 2) 330

Last I knew, Microsoft was still the second largest developer of software for Mac (after Apple, of course). There's always hope in that direction *if* there's a market for it.

Java runs on far more platforms than just Windows and OS X. If Microsoft ports Minecraft away from Java, what are they chances that they support those platforms?

Comment Re:KIlling off the Microsoft Store Name Too (Score 1) 352

Because Apple invented selling products in physical stores?

No, but if you've ever been inside a Microsoft Store you'll understand the original poster's point. They *do* feel very creepily similar to the Apple stores in layout, look and feel. No other store (other than those two) I've been in has the same feel. BestBuys feel different. So do Fry's. So do AT&T store. Pretty much any other store one might go into and buy a device that has a battery or plugs into a wall.

Comment Re:KIlling off the Microsoft Store Name Too (Score 1) 352

windows stands or well I'm not doing office work suckers.

The first sentences of your comment were painful to read, but after several passes I understood you. The last sentence--quoted above--has stumped me even after several attempts to parse it. I gather you feel we are suckers and you do not do office work, but Windows stands or well? Could you please rephrase?

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