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Comment Re:Apple Music - too expensive (Score 2) 415

An alternative should be comparable. Ad-supported and subscription-based are pretty different types of services catering to different kinds of consumers. It was you who moved to goalposts by stating competitors that were quite different.

Comment Re:Let me answer this question: (Score 1) 176

I don't know any Muslim country invaded by Westerners, without local Muslims (and not just a minority - e.g., in Iraq it was the Shia and Kurdish *majority* suffering under Saddam, in Afghanistan was also the *majority* - even the "United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan"!- oppresed by the Talibans, in Libya the same...) asking us to invade.

You seem to argue that an oppressed majority calling for liberation is justification of an invasion. you did not show that just because it was a majority that was oppressed it was a majority that wished invasion. That implies that only some of the oppressed need to desire invasion to justify invasion.

If in the United States, the Christians, a majority, some of whom claim are oppressed by liberal-minded media, had a few members who called for Putin to liberate the United States, would that be more or less just an invasion in your world view?

Comment Re:Comcast Sucks (Score 1) 229

What gets me every time I talk to a Comcast representative is that when i ask them "how much will this cost me per month?" they cannot give me a dollar amount. They always say "$149 plus taxes and fees." They do not seem to know, or be able to derive, at the time of the sales call, that figure that they are perfectly happy to compute and print on the monthly bill.

My policy is that if you can't tell me how much you will charge me, I cannot figure out if I am going to pay you. I'm forced to pass.

Comment Re:Google Fiber (Score 1) 229

Comcast is accountable?

My Comcast has a board of directors. They only listen to their friends. They only answer to their friends. And, no surprise, many of their friends have lots of money.

With a Comcast, you have to wait for the next election, assuming you even have a chance of throwing out the previous office holders.

Comment Re:Windows Media Center (Score 1) 374

Well, it's a tad late now. Years ago when they were raising my rates while degrading my quality they told me over the phone that I am lying and video quality is much better now that it is HD and perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about and watching SD.

Glad to hear they've finally admitted its an issue that needs to be addressed, though, and, possibly addressed it. My neighbor though still has really shit video quality on Comcast compared to OTA, even as late as last month when he commented how vastly different my PBS feed looked. He asked if I had some sort of 4k feed or something (right!). I went down to his apartment and saw what he was watching and yeah, still night-and-day difference. Perhaps they haven't rolled out switched digital video to my area yet.

Comment Re:WHAT! (Score 1) 94

I also googled "americans cheating", got 14.8M results, top results are about marital cheating.
Of course, this might not mean much, but it's a start. Anyone wants to send a research grant my way? :)

It's not even a start. In fact, using such incredibly naive and faulty methods brings into question the rest of your post and weakens your argument.

Comment Re:Yet another on the pile. (Score 1) 116

changing bank accounts is pretty trivial these days to short-circuit this kind of automated bullshit.

Changing my bank account to get PayPal to comply with my wishes is silly. Not to mention that a closed account still permits withdrawals for 90 days or more, reopening the account, drawing it negative, incurring banking fees and requiring a rigmarole of banking paperwork to rectify.

This is why I would never give any company I do not trust fully my bank account number. PayPal is not a company I trust fully as they've shown they use obscure internal rules to determine which accounts they freeze and unfreeze with no oversight.

Comment Re:Useless (Score 1) 138

Is there a way I'm not aware of to derive a private key from a public key? If I only ever give facebook my public key how the hell would they ever get my private key? Are you saying facebook hacks my home desktops to steal private keys?

If you read what denis-The-menace wrote, you'll see Facebook could ask users to give their private key to their (presumably closed-source) client, which could do anything with it. Responding with suspecting them of having some method of deriving the private key, or that uneducated users would really only give Facebook public keys, or Facebook hacking desktops does not address denis-The-menace's actual concern: public-key cryptography is very easy to exploit when the user-base is uneducated in its use, and Facebook offering such a new service to the masses is exactly the path one would follow to inspire users to feel secure all the while sabotaging them.

I am not sure I agree with denis-The-menace, but I wanted to point out that you didn't actually address his actual concern.

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