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Comment Re:Nope, not gonna downgrade to Windows 9 (Score 2) 218

Actually Windows 9 will have HUGE impact on games as the DirectX will have mantle like performance where CPU waits on redraws are near gone. Trim in raid and PCI ssd is nice too and cortana ... Well we will see but I always wanted a system like the enterprise on star trek with voice.

Comment Re:Still sticking with XP... (Score 1) 218

Except that programs are running faster on Windows XP than on Windows 7, because the OS take less CPU resources.

Bang! Idiot destroyed.

Yeah on a Pentium IV. On a modern i5 the same code will run faster as a new kernel supports better smp, page swap, ram buffers, and the runtimes use all your CPU instructions. Not part as XP had to run on Pentium IIs.

Comment Re:Dear Microsoft.... (Score 0) 218

Am I in the minority of prefering the ribbon over crappy nested menus all over the place and mouse hover/ change preview?

It only took me a week to get used to it and I don't use open office because the menus are all so cumbersome.

Has Slashdotters aged into their 40s and hate change or perhaps many use Linux so much that adopting to ribbons never took place? I also like the keyboard shortcuts integrated into the ribbon when I hit alt. No mouse nor learning combos thanks to the visuals.

I have not heard anyone outside of Slashdot complain about the ribbon in years

Comment Re: Speed is not the only thing. (Score 1) 57

Not true at all! My phenom II with a ati 7850 slows to a crawl with polygon counts in bf 4 and swtor in the imperial fleet. Guild members with i7s with lower end cards have double fps.

The card needs polygons fed to reach render and wait upon DirectX to redraw. A faster CPU is required

Comment Re:Speed is not the only thing. (Score 1) 57

But the users of i7s are not the friendly receptionist at work or Grandma checking her FB. These are almost all gamers mixed with software developers and a few niches.

So yes CPU is important. If not then the rest of the normal users buy i3s and maybe an i5 if they have more cash and do heavy workflows. Unless you make 1 tb video edits or play Wolfenstein the average users won't see any benefit between a 4 core i5 or i7.

Comment Extortion laws!! (Score 1) 185

A landlord can't say to UPS nice packages. It would be a shame if something happened to them before the tenants got em. Come let's talk? My uncle has a special insurance program to prevent accidents like this from happening.

That is extortion and interference with interstate commerce. Who the hell does Netflix have for their lawyers. ... Now for the poster mention liability costs. Netflix and the textbook companies won't take this standing down!

Comment Re:Classify net access as a utility? (Score 2) 343

That is not the issue.

The issue is you do not have free speech like the mega telecoms do with a fleet of lawyers, lobbyists, and rolodexes of your supposedly representatives. Free speech is something that can buy a lot of things that you and I can not afford. Notice I did not say money or bribery.

As long as we have a corrupt government we ARE FREAKING DOOMED.

We have corn with pesticides from genetically engineered crops whose pollen cross contaminates everything which in high enough doses causes infertility. We have roads and bridges falling apart. We have teachers who can be fired for not teaching creationism as science in the classroom alongside evolution. This issue is just one symptom of many.

DO we need a revolution next? I mean the Tea Party was kind of like this but the Koch brothers have their hands in that now and they are nte ones threatening any GOP politician they will lose their job if they even acknowledge global warming exists!

Comment Comcast requires HBO for internet access (Score 1) 343

I am pissed off. I am moving into a new apartment and my choices are centuryLink DSL which AT&T throttles or Comcast. If I go with Comcast I need to pay for cable TV with HBO tier to gain internet access for $99 a month. I do not even freaking own a TV??!@

Now I am still downthrottled on top of that!

Comment Re:Windows Server 2003? (Score 3, Informative) 322

I installed Windows Server 2003 to VMWare Player just yesterday. The activation server won't work anymore, so I had to make the dreaded call. The Pakistani sounding guy named "Phillip" was helpful but it would have been easier with Internet activation. He was very curious as to WHY I wanted to install Windows Server 2003.

Windows Update wouldn't work until I downloaded SP2 and installed it. Then I was able to "enjoy" several hours of downloading and installing updates via Windows Update

What I wonder about is, when I accepted an update and rebooted there were several patches to the updates. Why doesn't MS build the patches into the update?

That is because the certificates were replaced. Remember back in 2011 about one of the root CA servers being compromised. It was only one of the keys used to sign and not the full master but still MS updated its certificates to be safe.

You can download an update (forgot which KB) for both XP & Server 2003. Even XP out of the box wont run updates either without the fix. There is a fixit too that will change them for you.

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