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Comment Extortion laws!! (Score 1) 185

A landlord can't say to UPS nice packages. It would be a shame if something happened to them before the tenants got em. Come let's talk? My uncle has a special insurance program to prevent accidents like this from happening.

That is extortion and interference with interstate commerce. Who the hell does Netflix have for their lawyers. ... Now for the poster mention liability costs. Netflix and the textbook companies won't take this standing down!

Comment Re:Classify net access as a utility? (Score 2) 343

That is not the issue.

The issue is you do not have free speech like the mega telecoms do with a fleet of lawyers, lobbyists, and rolodexes of your supposedly representatives. Free speech is something that can buy a lot of things that you and I can not afford. Notice I did not say money or bribery.

As long as we have a corrupt government we ARE FREAKING DOOMED.

We have corn with pesticides from genetically engineered crops whose pollen cross contaminates everything which in high enough doses causes infertility. We have roads and bridges falling apart. We have teachers who can be fired for not teaching creationism as science in the classroom alongside evolution. This issue is just one symptom of many.

DO we need a revolution next? I mean the Tea Party was kind of like this but the Koch brothers have their hands in that now and they are nte ones threatening any GOP politician they will lose their job if they even acknowledge global warming exists!

Comment Comcast requires HBO for internet access (Score 1) 343

I am pissed off. I am moving into a new apartment and my choices are centuryLink DSL which AT&T throttles or Comcast. If I go with Comcast I need to pay for cable TV with HBO tier to gain internet access for $99 a month. I do not even freaking own a TV??!@

Now I am still downthrottled on top of that!

Comment Re:Windows Server 2003? (Score 3, Informative) 322

I installed Windows Server 2003 to VMWare Player just yesterday. The activation server won't work anymore, so I had to make the dreaded call. The Pakistani sounding guy named "Phillip" was helpful but it would have been easier with Internet activation. He was very curious as to WHY I wanted to install Windows Server 2003.

Windows Update wouldn't work until I downloaded SP2 and installed it. Then I was able to "enjoy" several hours of downloading and installing updates via Windows Update

What I wonder about is, when I accepted an update and rebooted there were several patches to the updates. Why doesn't MS build the patches into the update?

That is because the certificates were replaced. Remember back in 2011 about one of the root CA servers being compromised. It was only one of the keys used to sign and not the full master but still MS updated its certificates to be safe.

You can download an update (forgot which KB) for both XP & Server 2003. Even XP out of the box wont run updates either without the fix. There is a fixit too that will change them for you.

Comment Re:Ahh the real reason Net Neutrality is built (Score 1) 156

Uh that didn't happen.

We actually *did pay* ISPs to offer broadband for rural communities.

They stole the money and then refused unless Net Neutrality was over turned. We caved in and hired a lobbyist to watch itself and now they are caving in 3 years later after they got their way.

You doing it? Yes, you are not rich and would be arrested as since you are not a job creator you are not important and do not have the big pockets of free speech to have the FBI treat you differently

Comment Re:Just nationalize it already (Score 1) 156

Why be hypocritical? We have a government that regulates every aspect of it, and occasionally is itself in the business of providing the same service that companies are. It's a fascist wet dream; just call it what it is and be done with it.

That sir is socialism! We in America prefer freedom thank you very much!


Verizon CEO

Comment Ahh the real reason Net Neutrality is built (Score 5, Funny) 156

Fed: Here is some tax payer money. Now promise you will use it for rural Iowa where people pay $300 a month for a 640kb connection.

ISP: Oh yeah we promise. Thanks Uncle Sam!

Fed: Uh 3 years has happened where is the new infrastructure that the hard working tax payers paid for?

ISP: NO! We do not want to spend it. Screw you! We gave it to the CEO and shareholders so we could keep our bonuses.

Fed: What?! We had a deal. Why aren't you ...

ISP: Oh look at that ... big Ku CLUNG and a huge bag of money lands ... I was wondering what happened with that money that the tax payers gave us. It appears to be on your desk sir

FED: Oh then I see. Hmm perhaps we need a real expert to hear your case then. Someone with close ties and is on your payroll to tell us you need to steal more tax payer money?

ISP: Ahh good idea. Hire me. I work as a lobbyest and as you know I am quite clumsy and keep dropping these bags of free speech everywhere I go too. Oh boy got to watch that.

Fed: LOL. Ok we can't keep giving you money though. So what can we do

ISP: I know lets rip off other people then. You see we charge too much as it is and we also charge people who want to host and stream. What if we tripple charge all over the place. Then more bags of free speech might just keep falling out if I am not careful.

Fed: Praise Obama and worship Henry Reid so I can keep my job after 2014 and you have a deal!

ISP: Got it ... shakes hands

Comment And according to the EULA ... (Score 1) 129

... 5 gig cap which can be reached in 5 seconds. $50 extra for each gig over a month etc. 64kb max streaming Netflix allowed. However no caps and full 1 gb/sec speed for Cox crapola vision in 3D service etc.

Yes post was a sense of sarcasm but I hope I am far off with this due to watching what happened with net neutrality being a thing of the past now.

Comment Re:Steve Jobs Was Ruthless, so cry ... (Score 1) 288

Everyone must make in China. Otherwise they would go out of business.

Not to say he is a saint and another pope Francis. But, he makes excellent products and doesn't cut cheap corners. He pays his employees very well too even if he is a dick and values them. Admit the 2007 iPhone was many years ahead with html 5 and pretty graphics with gyroscopes while competitors were debating which plastic molding from central America would be cheaper etc.

FYI HP had iPhone like pdas and phones with these features back in 1999 for its computerized appliances R&D. Fiona turned it down to focus on selling more ink, hiring finance gurus, and trying to monopolize the Desktop market instead.

My point is money == reward for serving society/customers. Right? HP doesn't care about them. Apple under Jobs does and his price premiums are worth it. Especially for non tech people who don't want junk. The iPhone even today is a formable competitor to the Android.

FYI do not own a mac or iPhone. I build computers but I have no issue at all seeing someone get rich by producing something people buy.

Comment Re:non news (Score 4, Insightful) 288

... and the good performers, innovators, and managers as well. You are left with those who just need a job because they have a questionable resume.

People forget companies do not create great products. PEOPLE DO! I can't make the best widget in the world without the best engineers. ID Software needed John Carmack to make doom back in the 486 days before 3d cards. It was not the brand image that created it. It was the employee.

HP cares more about financially engineering its stock price to rise each quarter and then sell it when it can't maximize than to innovate.

Fiona really did a job on that company. Most of the innovators went to Agilent systems which makes more money than to try to monopolize the pc market which is what Fiona wanted by buying compaq and just focusing on this. Bad bed and the Bill and Hewlett way is gone. As good employers were fired if they did not leave already as senior folks cost money etc.

Comment Re:Steve Jobs Was Ruthless, so cry ... (Score 2) 288

Steve Jobs I respect.

At least he makes something people like and are willing to buy. If you hate the shiny iTurds you are free not to buy them. However, he does not do the same horrible shit HP does.

HP puts 185 watt power supplies and changes the freaking components on the fly to save $.005 based on market conditions on the same model. So you can ahve +32 different combinations of the the HP 8500???! Sucks when you create an image as I never know which site at work has which HP 8500. They all ahve different hardware which is most likely defective.

I can not image Steve Jobs saying SCREW GREAT PEOPLE! I want cheap labor for our iMac or iPhone. After all talent is a cost and because of my brand I can sell and do no need to innovate?! Less people means we can make more money etc.

Apple would have been dead in 1999 if it were not for the iMac and then the explosion or products that came later based on the products

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