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Comment Re:RAID? (Score 1) 256

If you haven't run an OS on an SSD you can't comment. I can't go back.

The OS won't have the hourglass while it thrashes the disk waiting on i/o to complete. Even on a modern OS poorly threaded apps will chock on i/o and slow your whole system down. It is maddening now.

Comment Is it a cell phone UI? (Score 4, Funny) 179

Until all the apps are full screen only with no way to leave unless I get thrown back into a cell phone I wont be switching. I hope the apps only have 3 or 4 functions that are all hidden by default.

That would be sooo cool. I am sure if I go to a starbucks with such a gui I can get so many chicks owwing and ahhing and using my hip touch screen. Sharkwire looks so cute ... giggles.

Comment Re:HDD is fine for .. 98%? (Score 1) 256

They most certainly are not fine.

Winrot hits these things and users are used to +5 min boot times these days when you have McCrappy taking whole corporations down every 4 hours on Tuesday where only 1 app can be open at a time. Yes that example was bad but typical in a corporate environment with cheap CIOs.

SSDs make computers like cell phones.

The reason people do not upgrade computers like CEll phones is because computers are boring and very very slow and bulky. Cell phones use flash ram and everything is instant.

It is time we said goodbye to platters they are sooo terrible.

Comment Re:RAID? (Score 1) 256

I was about to get a new i7 as I run lots of VMWare workstation domain setups and VMs. It takes 20 minutes to start and shutdown 7 or 8 VMs at a time even with 16 gigs of ram on my AMD phenom II. It is 6 core though.

I bought a samsung pro 256 gig and WOW! I can start them all in about 2 - 3 minutes now. I could probably load them in 1 minute if I had a more powerful CPU as I assumed my CPU amd phenom II 2009 era was the bottleneck. IT was I/O all teh way until I did the upgrade. Now I may not even get an i7

Comment Re:RAID? (Score 1) 256

I have a samsung pro SSD. In rapid mode I get about 540 - 600 gigs a second and that is on a 2010 era machine with just sata3. It can go up to 750 gigs a second close to the mac unit on sata6.

Best $250 investment I made considering it is 256 gb. I have a slower 256 gig sansdisk that is only 320 gigs a second. But to be honest I notice no difference between the two when loading star wars the old republic levels and booting. It is latency and IOPS per second that impact performance the most unless you do straight heavy reads and writes.

Even copying from a hard disk that I use too for storage it gets 160 megs a second copy. FOr my 40 gig game installs this task of moving used to take 35 minutes. It now takes 9 minutes. SSD to SSD copy takes 3 minutes

Comment Re:I will be a millionaire. (Score 1) 467

So it goes up in value with interest rates near 0!

What do you think will happen when interest rates hit 7% or 8%? Think it wont depreciate? Think again.

Home values are determined by their monthly mortgage rate. Not the sticker price. So that 2300 a month home is now 3700 a month even if the price tag is the same?! THink you will find anyone with a budget willing to pay 3700 a now? Probably not.

You need to lower your home well below 570k to to get it back to $2300 a month again etc.

Comment Re:A million dollars isn't *that* much (Score 1) 467

Anyone saying that has not been raised by a single Mom, supported oneself at a minimum wage job, lived at home with his parents due to +$30,000 in student loan debt, or had to go on food stamps.

40% of Americans had these bad things happen to them in the last recession according to statistics at least once since 2008!

Shoot a few years ago I dreamed of making $35,000 a year so I could be so rich!

Thankfully I gradually got out of that but I learned some tough lessons.Working 2 jobs and not having any money left by was insulting and humiliating to say the least. When I hear someone whine how they only make $80,000 a year and life is sooo hard waa waa poor me I want to smack them.

There are people in India who have 8 people to 1 - 2 rooms. THey eat at KFC or Mcdonalds once or twice a year as a nice expensive treat. THere are those who work at Walmart for $10/hr and are so poor they need food stamps to still buy food after working 38 hours a week.

1 million is very very nice income. Sure you can't your own damn island with that but you never have to worry about how you are going to eat. Or how to pay for that unexpected medical expense that insurance wont cover. Or what if you will be homeless this month if you need to make a choice between fixing your 10 year old car or paying rent? Anyone who says otherwise is in a bubble and not in the real world the rest of America is in. Even successful people I know who pull in 6 figures of income had rough times and will never forget them when success comes.

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