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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 1 accepted (5 total, 20.00% accepted)


Submission + - How to Beat Online Price Discrimination (

Intrepid imaginaut writes: A new study found that major e-commerce retailers show some users different prices or a different set of results. Do you think you can find the lowest prices by shopping online? Think again.

A new study by researchers at Northeastern University confirmed the extent to which major e-commerce websites show some users different prices and a different set of results, even for identical searches.

Submission + - Million of British Imperial Documents Being Digitised (

Intrepid imaginaut writes: A transgender singer hits stardom in Baghdad. Officials scramble to impose order after a Kuwaiti restaurant is found to be selling cat meat. Gulf royals on an official visit to London are left marooned in a drab south London suburb because of a shortage of hotel rooms in the West End.

These are some of the quirky stories hiding in nine miles of shelving at the British Library (BL) that hold the India Office Records — millions of documents recording Britain's 350-year presence in the sub-continent.

The India Office did not only administer India, it also exercised colonial rule over an area stretching west as far as Aden. That's why the files cover Persia and Arabia. And the reason the stories are coming to light is that the Qatar Foundation has paid £8.7m for nearly half a million documents relating to the Gulf to be digitised.

Work started in 2012, and many of those documents have now gone online at the Qatar National Library's digital library portal.

Submission + - Female gamers who have had enough of politics (

Intrepid imaginaut writes: An online RPG convention called ConTessa for female gamers who just want to game is being set up by Stacy Dellorfano, who writes: "The idea for ConTessa came about in late 2012 when I started craving for a space for myself where I could just be a gamer without having to constantly talk about being a woman who games, or constantly being expected to comment on every piece of artwork or game or political gender discussion that came up. It became so bad that I rarely got asked to actually talk about the actual games and gaming and frequently got asked to talk about anything involving gender politics.

I thought it would be nice to build a convention where women could set aside the gender politics for a few days and just enjoy being gamers."

Submission + - Annonymous targets Irish websites over SOPA (

Intrepid imaginaut writes: "It appears that anonymous has launched a widespread DDOS attack on numerous Irish government websites in the past few hours, taking down and in an effort to attract attention to a piece of SOPA-like legislation that is being rushed through by Sean Sherlock. A Twitter account affiliated to the Swedish arm of Anonymous said the timing of the attack, when the websites would not be in heavy demand, was a “wake up – warning shot”."

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