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Comment Re:the Lumia mosaic (Score 1) 213

I'd agree with this to a certain extent but I'd be cautious about making everything voluntary, some foundational skills in math, geography, history, language etc should be a requirement. Also life economics like mortgages, pension plans, investments and savings. The entire property bubble was an organised ram raid by the banks on middle class savings, students need to know how that happened so they don't fall for it or any other bubble again. And while we're at it the legal ramifications of things like marriage and parenthood should be dealt with right next to sex ed.

Comment Re:What ever happened to the melting pot? (Score 3, Insightful) 97

I think that might have been more relevant back in the 17th through 19th centuries, even for most of the 20th, when there were plenty of jobs for low or limited skill workers. Nowadays western countries are having to try very hard to maximize the numbers going into education because without a degree you won't get much work as a result of hugely increased automation that shows no signs of stopping. For better or for worse, that's just how it is.

In this new environment a massive influx of people without much in the way of qualification becomes a burden moreso than a positive addition, even if they're willing to work their asses off, as most of them are. Meanwhile all they're actually doing is competing for the crap jobs with the most disadvantaged in whatever country and driving down salaries for those that need them the most. I may have missed something here, but I don't think so.

If the US really wanted to address this problem it would legalise most drugs besides the nastiest ones (added bonus of prison populations falling through the floor and people not being stigmatised for life, leading to greater earning potential, plus taxes on drugs) and provide incentives for its neighbours to the south to deal with corruption within their own governments. I've become firmly convinced that 90% of the causes for impoverishment on a national level are plain old graft. Wealth isn't being shared as it is in developed countries.

Anyway yeah. My two cents.

Comment Re:We've redefined success! (Score 1) 498

You posit? You're an ignorant embarrassment, and that embarrassment is now indelibly engraved on the internet for all time, connected to your Romancing Alaska... thing... And just think, you were so confident about teh muh soggy knees and how all teh wimminz would be lining up for a taste when you were done beating your chest like a jackass.

My work here is done. Not that I had to do much work, you did all the heavy lifting really.

Comment Re:We've redefined success! (Score 1) 498

That looks to be fact and logic free. You've not touched either.

That was a question, as indicated by the question mark. Remarkable how grammar works really. Except of course the actual facts cited were supported by links to research in a subsequent comment you unsalvageable pleb.

Come on, you bitter little misogynist

Yes, facts are misogynistic. Those damn woman hating facts.

I want you to stop, put down the bottle, and take a good hard look at what you're trying to excrete here. Nobody, but nobody denies that men get treated brutally by the family courts, except yourself.

Why might that be?

Comment Re:I propose a law (Score 3, Interesting) 157

You presume that their reasons for doing so are benevolent.

After all, species which have the ability to first of all see these stars and secondly understand their meaning are probably going to head in that direction as soon as they can, meaning they're young and not very scientifically advanced compared to a civilisation that can manipulate stars on an almost unimaginable scale. Scout ships get captured, their source traced, and rival civilisations extinguished in their infancy.

It could be a megaengineered honey trap.

Comment Re:We've redefined success! (Score 1) 498

You can't attack the logic or facts, so you attack the person. All that proves is that you know that the facts and logic is against you.

All I've done is present facts and logic you unrelentingly chinless tit. Which is the exact opposite of what you've managed to disgorge into the conversation.

All the whiners are. Have some kids, abandon them, rant about your poor life choices, blaming everyone else, especially "that bitch".

On your bike son, I'm not covering your bus fare home.

Comment Re:We've redefined success! (Score 1) 498

What's confusing? Every divorce I've had intimate knowledge of (mostly family members, including my parents), both parents lost the home.

Brilliant, you're a one man sociological survey. Everyone clam up and gather round the fire as AK Marc tells his story.

With it being the largest asset, it's often liquidated to split up the estate. The divorces by the billionaires that make it on news often have one or more homes to each person, so neither is left homeless.

You've never run for elected office no? Thank christ.

Nah, I know enough deadbead dads, I don't need to go out and try to hang around more of them. Bitter angry old men. How dare that bitch get treated fairly!

Indeed, I doubt being a father was ever one of your problems.

Listen bud, drop the hardman act and educate yourself on the real issues before mouthing off in public and making yourself look like an idiot again.

Just some friendly advice.

Comment Re:Modded Interesting? More like Totally Made Up (Score 1) 498

Your numbers sound pretty made up, especially anything that's 99% and 100%, or "in no cases." Let me guess, they were "not intended as a factual statement"?


And of course the ratio of male to female suicides locally is higher than even the normal 4:1, it's 5:1.

In the same article, they make the point that the wife is usually poorer and has a worse employment situation, a correlation that explains most or all of this imbalance. Judges are going to award more financial support to the poorer party, and if you don't correct for that, you're presenting very misleading stats. Though given the totally made-up numbers you scattered throughout your entire post, I guess you don't care.

Now if only those judgements were accompanied by genuine shared parenting legislation rather than a weekend every fortnight or what have you, and few penalties for making even that much harder. This is often accompanied by something known as "parental alienation", you should look it up.

And who bitterly and relentlessly opposes shared parenting legislation?

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And it should be the law: If you use the word `paradigm' without knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No exceptions. -- David Jones
