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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 3 accepted (9 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - Non-kindle eink devices?

AuMatar writes: I'm in the market for my first ebook reader. I like the battery life of the eInk devices, but I don't want to be locked into only buying from Amazon. Are there devices out there which support both Amazon and Barnes and Noble? Any hints as to removing the DRM from downloaded ebooks also appreciated.

Submission + - Swype 3.0 enters beta (swype.com)

AuMatar writes: Swype, the keyboard for Android and other OSes that allows you to enter text by gliding your finger across the keyboard, has released a beta of their new version 3.0. New features include a predictive tap algorithm, tablet support, resizable keyboards, and better dictionary management.

Submission + - WA election to try online voting (nwsource.com)

AuMatar writes: According to the Seattle Times, the King Conservation District is going to allow online voting to combat chronic low turnouts. The voting portal is found here. As a citizen of WA seriously concerned with politics, anything that completely removes a paper trail like this scares me. Luckily this is probably the least important election in the state. Anyone want to hack the election so 300% of voters vote for Firefly or Stephen Colbert or something?

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