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Comment Re:Same thing with snail mail (Score 1) 619

Assuming you're in the States, send a polite but firm letter explaining the issue and ask that they no longer contact you and that if they contact you again you will forward correspondence to your state's AG and the collection company's state's AG.

Heck, if it's already such an issue, it might be worth talking to your state's AG - they may be able to work to prevent the debt from being sold again.

Comment Re:Don't Bother. It doesn't matter. (Score 1) 377

But before that happens they'll implement the 'Known Traveler Number' aka CLEAR v2.0 and you can buy your way through security (although somewhat less expensive than chartered flights).

Enough people with money are bitching, in time there will be two classes of flying public (or 3 if you find the 'first class' security line to be one already). And the people who provide much of the money to airlines (business travelers) will have signed up for the KTN and then they'll only be feeling up Grandma and your kids when they want to go to Disney World because they didn't pay the protection money.

How this will be effected by another terrorist attack will be interesting (and likely to correlate with whether the terrorist was a KT or not).

Comment Re:At Long Last (Score 1) 377

I flew the first day these were implemented and damn, but that TSA agent was thorough. I have never been so relaxed for a flight before or since.

Since then I've had variations from a full ball-count (more 'thorough' than before, but not very relaxing/massaging) to 'I touched the dude boss, can I let him go now?'

It sucks, but when I can't escape the nudie scanner line, I'll take the transient patdown than the risk someone left the BSX/mm wave scanner in 'test' mode to save images (not that I actually care if you want a naked picture of me, but that I think it's a more severe violation of the 4th amendment).

Comment Re:God-damn money-grubbing assholes. (Score 1) 342

I seem to remember a time when this happened - I think it was back around the time Half Life (1) came out. Actually, the entire timeline of the Half Life series seems to go the way you suggest (right up to the Orange Box).

I find DVDs tend to move this way as well - any movie that's 24+ months old seems to be <$10 and often <$7.

Granted, I haven't bought a game in close to 2.5 years, so things might have changed quite a bit.

Translator Puts Us Closer To Dolphin Communication Screenshot-sm 179

LordStormes sent in a link to an article about a new device that may allow dolphins to finally thank us for all the fish. Denise Herzing, founder of the Wild Dolphin Project and Thad Starner, an artificial intelligence researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, have been working on a project called Cetacean Hearing and Telemetry or CHAT. The pair hope that CHAT will allow them to "co-create" a language with wild dolphins, allowing the two species to communicate. From the article: "Herzing and Starner will start testing the system on wild Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the middle of this year. At first, divers will play back one of eight 'words' coined by the team to mean 'seaweed' or 'bow wave ride,' for example. The software will listen to see if the dolphins mimic them. Once the system can recognize these mimicked words, the idea is to use it to crack a much harder problem: listening to natural dolphin sounds and pulling out salient features that may be the 'fundamental units' of dolphin communication."

Comment Re:Kevlar is not really very strong - it's tough (Score 1) 181

Where does 'spectra (UHMWPE, as I understand it)' fiber fall in these? I have often heard of it referred to as artificial spider's silk and could potentially be used as a thin bullet resistant lining (i.e. you will probably have broken bones and a wound, but would still be alive). I presume you would be able to provide more information on this fiber and the validity of that claim.

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