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Comment Re:Price (Score 1) 438

Think back, to the day when we used to run everything off floppy drives, and then hard drives showed up. The first hard drive I ever experienced was a 5 Megabyte drum drive. It was HUGE for the time. AND fast. Then spindle drives came out, and were so much faster (and more expensive) AND could fit inside a computer. Then the drives kept getting faster, and more Storage, and then they started to shrink and ....

Now we're running up to limitations of that class of hardware that new classes (SSD vs Magnetic) are starting to impact the Hard Drive space. The change is coming and once the Spindle drive disappears (like floppies), you'll wonder how we ever lived like that.

Comment Re:Be Gentle With Him (Score 1) 452

The people who are the real problems are "normal", but use religion as an excuse for their bad behavior, or those who follow religion so blindly that they do bad things because of group pressure.

Religion isn't the problem. The problem is that other thing you used. Nazi's killed plenty of people in the name of the state, using peer pressure. The problem is man, not religion.

Comment Re:Be Gentle With Him (Score 1) 452

The root of men killing men isn't religion, it is control. Religion is just a tool, as was atheism that killed millions in Communist countries (purging the evil of religion, no doubt).

The problem you have, is that you're blaming the tool (Religion) and not those killing (man wanting control). And this has blinded many people to the real issue.

I am a libertarian, and freedom is scary.

Comment Re:Price (Score 1) 438

It is more than just Price per TB. It is speed (IOPS). What good is all the storage space in the world, if it is slow? If it was just Price per TB, Tapes are even higher density/price, however the IOPS are so slow.

If you read the article on the Samsung SSD, you'll realize why they put it on a bus that wasn't SATA III (Not fast enough)

Size, Speed, Price, pick any two.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 438

There is storage, and then there is storage. 6TB drives are nice and all, and good for things like Pictures and Movies, where you don't need access speed. The moment you have databases, which need things like IOPS then size doesn't matter nearly as much. When you see the difference in IOPS between Spindle Drives and SSDs, you'll start to realize there is more to storage than size.

Your high end 15K spindle drive can do about 150 IOPS The only way to increase this is to go to RAID. A good High End Spindle RAID can do about 10,000 IOPS, or perhaps a little more.

On the other hand, the Samsung 3.2 TB Drive claims to do 750,000 IOPS, or 75 times more. So, while you can get all sorts of storage using RAID and Spindle drives, the money spent for IOPS is better spent getting SDD and RAM (yes) drives. Hard Drives are the new "Tape Backup System".

Comment Re:No the solution is population control (Score 1) 652

Western cultures are already doing this. Birth rates in many post industrial societies have stopped and is declining. It is having issues on on the entitlement programs that depend upon Ponzi like systems like Social Security.

The problem is countries like Mexico where large families are still social norms.

Comment Re:Environmentalists is why we still pump carbon (Score 1) 652

Pumping carbons isn't more dangerous. It is more dangerous to only animals. Plants love the stuff. You know, plants that took CO2 and sequestered it when there was a massive cooling period. The Earth used to be much much warmer than today and plants loved it.

Nuclear is dangerous to every living thing.

Comment Re:A message to Adora Svitak (Score 1) 155

All that means is that we haven't had an opportunity to use one.

Not having one, and not needing one are two different things.

Unless we've fully banned the very concept of a draft, we could still have one.

You cannot ban an idea. Nice try though.

adults tend to be wiser than children.

Actually, that's not necessarily true.

You're right, some children have better comprehension skills than some adults

Comment Re:We've been doing it for a long time (Score 1) 367


I have a great attention span, and have a great memory to go along with it.

Here is a short list of "problems" I have with "global warming" zealots.

1) Every big natural disaster is met with "Global Warming" cries, yet when lulls occur (like hurricanes), nothing. Or worse, when it is very very cold, they cry "It is climate, not weather, know the difference".

2) CO2 is a miniscule amount of greenhouse gasses. Water Vapor is much much larger. Go ahead, and explain why we can swing between 1 and 4% average H2O without much effect, but small percentages of CO2 are disasterous!

Comment Re:We've been doing it for a long time (Score 0) 367

because slow warming is a small problem, over centuries (when we have no idea what the tech landscape will be in 50 years much less 300.)

The problem is, we can't even prove global warming even a little bit. And that is not exactly what the Global Warming Alarmists were telling us a few years ago about how bad it was going to get very quickly (no ice in the arctic, super hurricanes, polar bears drowning) ... ALL of which didn't happen, but didn't happen spectacularly.

How come Al Gore doesn't get labeled "Global Warming Left Wing Nut" by the same people calling people like me "Right Wing Nut"? Oh, because it is bad for business?

Look, I all for conservation and leaving small footprints, but you can't do that with almost 7 billion people to feed. The only way nature is going to survive is to kill us all off by our stupidity.

Comment Re:Wait what? (Score 1) 173

No, I meant rights. Governments were formed to protect rights. And you're correct, rights are immutable. But they can be stolen and abrogated in the name of the group, which is what the (D) and (R) parties are fighting over, which rights should we give up in the name of security, children, old people ....

Comment Re:A message to Adora Svitak (Score 1) 155

He said "Draft" is gone, you changed it to "Selective Service" which is simply a prerequisite of a Draft. Convenient distinction. There has been no draft since 1973, at the end of the Vietnam war. Suffice it to say, that we have had two full generations of draftable people never see a draft. It is effectively gone.

We don't need a Constitutional Amendment to stop the draft, we already have stopped the draft. A constitutional amendment would only make it harder to reinstate (via another Amendment). And since we are talking about likelihoods and possibilities, and haven't ever reached the point of 0% you are just trying to make an impossible point out of ignorance.

Interestingly, its Richard Nixon that campaigned on ending the draft and the Selective Service, and Carter that re-instituted the Selective Service in 1980. I know, I was alive back then, and someone under the age of 20 probably has no clue about. Liberals have indoctrinated young people so much they thing Democrats are champions of Civil Rights (while they opposed civil rights movement in the 60s) and opposition to the draft.

With age, comes wisdom that youth and exuberance is in need of. So, no, children cannot teach adults anything useful in general. A child may be wise, but adults tend to be wiser than children.

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