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Comment Re:Political reality will take over (Score 1) 381

Okay, so which is it? People are dying OMG .. or ... One person has died ... yawn.

Either way, the GP is a troll and got caught. Why didn't you say the same thing to the liberal troll? Because you're another liberal troll?

Meanwhile, liberals are afraid of losing the Senate in a month and are lying their asses off with "Republicans want to kill people" by cutting the CDC funding (never mind the republicans gave the CDC more money than Obama's own budget did)

Comment Re:Don't trust any app these days (Score 0) 180

I always counter this. Name one country that has had a tyranny when the people were well armed?

1) Everyone is spying on everyone. Don't think that the US is alone on this, we just do it more and better than most

2) That is because Europe is bankrupting itself with socialist policies. Why we want to follow after Europe is beyond me.

3) We haven't "lost" wars. Our problem is that we don't have the stomach to leave petty dictators in place to rule the untamed. We remove them, and something worse comes along and really fucks things up. This has been going on so fucking long, most kids these days have no idea how this shit started. The Shah of Iran was an asshole, no doubt, but he was our asshole. We helped remove him (thanks Jimmy Carter) and now, what is in Iran is much worse. Same with Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria

It doesn't take much to realize that some places aren't ready for freedom and democracy. The culture simply doesn't permit it. One can change culture, but it usually takes several generations to do so. The thing about freedom is, the people MUST want it more than anything else, or they are destined to be slaves to tyranny.

Comment Re:Don't trust any app these days (Score 1) 180

The American Revolution started for less than what is going on now. We just have a bunch of pussies and wusses who are too afraid that they might have to give up their iPhones. The same people are hell bent on making sure that if and when it gets "bad enough" to revolt, we are completely disarmed and cannot.

The worst part, is both the (D) and (R) people are slow walking us towards the tyranny we all see coming, in the name of "protecting freedom".

Comment Re:Don't trust any app these days (Score 1) 180

This is because we (society as a whole) don't view cyber crime as a threat. Cyber Crime doesn't hurt anyone (except the victims). Cyber Criminals are in hard to reach places like Russia. There is nothing we can do. So, it exists.

IF and WHEN we view Cyber crime properly, the laws for ID theft will change to put the pressure on those extending credit, safe guarding our banks and otherwise those in charge of data collection for the purposes of commerce. When those changes are made, we'll sacrifice a little bit of convenience for a little bit security.

Proper security is not convenient.

Comment Re:One single case is meaningless (Score 1) 381

Tell that to the two Dallas Nurses that now have Ebola. "Wider Population" in the early stages of a pandemic always looks treatable. The problem is, when it isn't contained because we're too PC to do the right thing out of fear of offending someone. Fear kills, whether it is PC fear of offending, or rabid fear of Ebola. Being level headed in such a conversation looks crazy at the time.

Comment Re:It only takes one ... (Score 1) 381

What Nigeria has proposed (more or less) has been poopooed by all the medical pundits in this country. They did it with Mandatory quarantines. This would never work in America when liberals keep saying forced quarantines don't work. By "don't work" meaning "works, but makes me feel really uncomfortable"

Comment Re:It only takes one ... (Score 1) 381

Yes, the non-ebola expert should not have listened to the ebola experts.

When the experts are wrong, how expert are they? No I don't trust them, and common sense should have won out on this one. The CDC made a mistake, giving the wrong information. The nurse made a bigger mistake, in trusting the idiots at the CDC and ignoring her own "Maybe I shouldn't fly" understanding.

Comment Re:It only takes one ... (Score 1) 381

I've gotten the impression that the CDC are a bunch of inept fools.

Any sufficient level of incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

This is how conspiracies get started. Nobody believes people are that incompetent (they are), therefore the believe people are evil (they generally aren't)

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