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Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 228

Well, if you keep voting for the same thing, expecting different results, who is the crazy one?

I know, how about taking the fucking power away from people we have no access to and giving it back to the people to live their lives as they see fit? Oh right, because (R) want to toss Grandma off a cliff and (D) are in bed with the Islamists (IOW ... Fear Mongering).

Oh, don't forget to mention Somalia in your next reply.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 228

The original poster implied it wasn't culturally acceptable in the US, and I was making it clear that under certain circumstances and depending on how you look at things, it is culturally acceptable, just narrower in scope.

AND if you ask me, it is always has been and will be culturally acceptable until such time as we start tossing the likes of everyone involved in things like TARP I and II in jail.

Comment Re:pretty much expected. (Score 2) 46

More security requires more diligence, which is often inconvenient. More security requires everyone to be secure, not just some, and that is definitely inconvenient, and requires trust that others are not putting you in danger (insecure), which requires compliance checks and verification, which is inconvenient. Technology can take the edge off the inconvenience, but isn't the panacea that everyone wants it to be.

The weakest link in security is people. Always has been, always will be.

Comment Re:The solution is obvious (Score 1) 579

It's not their fault if the manufacturer refuses to compile, test, and push out the updates (with their carriers' blessings) which they accepted full responsibility for doing.

It isn't even this. Manufacturers could release the binary blobs for the hardware for people like CM to use to build Android for obsolete hardware platforms. But the fact that Carriers are requiring LOCKED devices from Manufacturers is where the real problem lies.

Which is why Google produces (or has produced for them) the Nexus line of phones and tablets. And why I bought two OnePlusOnes. Support the manufacturers that do it right.

Comment Re:Translation ... (Score 3, Interesting) 392

A Government that is not ethical, that is also Democratic, is exactly what the people vote for. You get what you deserve. Bush was bad, Obama was worse, as it was with Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter ....

If you look you see a pattern going back to Kennedy who was probably shot for going off the reservation (IMHO)

Comment Re:Why lay fiber at all when you can gouge wireles (Score 4, Insightful) 201

There is VZ and ATT, and then there is Sprint and T-Mo.

I've had all four in my area, and VZ by far has the best coverage. It isn't even close. I curently have T-Mo and the speed is much better, but coverage much worse than ATT and VZ. I'll give up a bit of coverage for better speeds.

As for Fiber vs Cable vs Wireless, Fiber will win on raw speed every time. The issue is the cost for last mile, and always will be. Which is why I recommend that Municipalities start looking at building out their own infrastructure and offering CONTENT/INTERNET providers the opportunity to compete for the last mile customers.

Right now, there is no competition, only franchise agreements that limit competition.

Comment Re:Censorship? (Score 1) 420

And how has Socialism Progressive help blacks and race relations? How has Obama helped black people in six years? Tell me how liberal blacks calling conservative blacks "Uncle Tom" and "House Nigger" help race relations? Tell me how letting in illegal aliens helps black people who are unemployed get jobs? How has 50 years of the Great Society (not to mention LBJ's nigger's comment) help black people?

Blame institutional racism, and I'll agree. However I blame Liberal Democrats who want to keep their voting block intact by enslaving blacks to bottom rung economics.

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