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Comment Troll v Troll (Score 5, Funny) 184

I kind of have this idea that the comments section on CNN.com or foxnews.com is all troll bots. Right wing troll bots arguing with left wing troll bots arguing with agent provocateur right wing troll bots pretending to be deranged left wingers arguing with agent provocateur left wing troll bots pretending to be deranged right wingers.

Basically, the internet is trolls all the way down.

The alternative, that those are real people expressing their actual opinions, is too horrifying to contemplate.

Comment Re:Whew! I nearly funded that one... (Score 4, Funny) 366

Meanwhile, at Planetary Society's headquarters...

Well, Jason. What have you got to say?
Well, Mr Nye...
Doctor! It's Doctor Nye.
But I thought those were honourary degrees.
It is DOCTOR Nye. Say it! SAY IT!
Y..Yes. D..D..Doctor Nye.
So, what happened to our bird, Jason?
As you know, um... Doctor Nye... We used a kickstarter campaign to fund the satellite's development and testing.
Get to the point, Jason.
We ran out of funds. If we had one more donor, we would have been able to complete the final testing.
So we lost the satellite and now face public humiliation because one anonymous person was too cowardly to donate?
Yes. Um.. Doctor Nye. That's about the size of it.
Well, Jason. That fellow had best pray that he and I never cross paths. You may go.

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