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Submission + - Should The MPL 2 be GPL-Compatible? (mozillazine.org)

Gerv writes: The Mozilla Public License is currently being updated from version 1.1 to version 2. MPL 1.1 is not compatible with (any version of) the GPL without multiple licensing. I am trying to find out what projects currently using the MPL 1.1 think about whether MPL 2 should be automatically GPL-compatible or not, so hackers can use their code in GPLed projects.

If your project uses the MPL or a derivative, read my blog post, have a chat about it on your mailing list and let me know. I'm also making a list of projects using the MPL and a list of GPLed projects using MPLed libraries — do add your project if you fall into one of those categories!

(Note: this survey is just a survey — it's not official or binding on the MPL 2 drafting team.)

Submission + - Single mother of 4 fined $1.5 million (yahoo.com)

JASP2 writes: RIAA wins big in their strategy of 'putting the fear of God in the little people.' From the article: "Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a single mother of four, was found liable by a jury on Wednesday of copyright infringement for using KaZaA peer-to-peer file-sharing network to download the songs over the Internet.
She was ordered to pay 62,500 dollars for each of the 24 songs, a total of 1.5 million dollars."


Submission + - Open Kinect Project Angers Microsoft (thinq.co.uk)

Blacklaw writes: Enterprising hackers, excited about the potential of the technology behind Microsoft's Kinect sensor system for the Xbox 360, have put up a bounty for the first person to write open source drivers for the device — and the software giant isn't happy.
"Microsoft does not condone the modification of its products. With Kinect, Microsoft built in numerous hardware and software safeguards designed to reduce the chances of product tampering. Microsoft will continue to make advances in these types of safeguards and work closely with law enforcement and product safety groups to keep Kinect tamper-resistant.


Submission + - Firm finds security holes in mobile bank apps (cnet.com)

NeverVotedBush writes: A security firm disclosed holes today in mobile apps from Bank of America, USAA, Chase, Wells Fargo and TD Ameritrade, prompting a scramble by most of the companies to update the apps. ... Specifically, viaForensics concluded that: the USAA's Android app stored copies of Web pages a user visited on the phone; TD Ameritrade's iPhone and Android apps were storing the user name in plain text on the phone; Wells Fargo's Android app stored user name, password, and account data in plain text on the phone; Bank of America's Android app saves a security question (used if a user was accessing the site from an unrecognized device) in plain text on the phone; and Chase's iPhone app stores the username on a phone if the user chose that option, according to the report. Meanwhile, the iPhone apps from USAA, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Vanguard and PayPal's Android app all passed the security tests and were found to be handling data securely.

Submission + - Rare Dead Quasar Found in Nearby Galaxy (wired.com)

An anonymous reader writes: One of the universe’s brightest lights, a black hole-driven quasar in a nearby galaxy, recently shut off like a snuffed candle. New observations of a bizarre cloud of glowing gas, and a nearby galaxy that illuminates it, show that the galaxy’s central light went dim sometime in the last 70,000 years. The finding could reveal how supermassive black holes help galaxies grow and evolve. A new clue comes from Hannys Voorwerp, a weird cloud of glowing green gas found in Galaxy Zoo (galaxyzoo.org) archival telescope data in 2007. The Voorwerp (Dutch for object) was thought to be lit up by a nearby quasar zapping it with a floodlight-like jet of ionizing radiation.

Submission + - The Sinclair X-1: The C5 Rides Again? (gizmag.com)

Zothecula writes: The name Sinclair was stamped on single-person electric transport way back in 1985 with the world's first mass produced electric vehicle – the Sinclair C5. Fast forward to 2010, drop a wheel, shed lots of weight, add modern batteries and you start to get a picture of the newly developed Sinclair Research X-1. Essentially an electric-assist recumbent bicycle with an open-sided fairing, it has the aerodynamics, ergonomic pedaling position and weather protection of a velomobile, yet its weight and price are closer to those of an electric-assist bicycle.

Submission + - Street View on iOS pierces German privacy veil (itworld.com)

jfruhlinger writes: After some prickly negotiations with the German government's privacy regulators, Google got permission to launch its Street View service for German addresses, so long as people had the right to opt out and choose to have only a blurred version of their homes on the service. But it turns out that iPhone and iPad users can see those buildings after all.

Submission + - Apple Discontinues Xserve 1

Toe, The writes: "Apple has announced that they are discontinuing their line of 1u rack-mount servers. With their usual understated style, the announcement comes in the form of a box on their website and a transition guide to their low-end Mac mini server or their now-more-powerful-than-Xserve Mac Pro server. Attitudes about the Xserve have ranged from a token nod to enterprise to an underpowered wimp to a tremendous value. Apparently, the migration to Intel processors removed some of the value of clustering Xserves, leaving them as somewhat overpriced compared to other more traditional offerings. The odd thing is that Apple clearly has shown they have the capacity for enterprise, but rarely the will to take it on. So does the discontinuation of their rack-mount mean they have abandoned enterprise for their post-PC offerings, or are they simply acknowledging that their products aren't gaining traction in the data center? Or do they have something else up their sleeve for next year?"

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