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Comment Can we maybe fix the memory leaks? (Score 4, Interesting) 67

Sometime in the last five releases it feels like the number of memory leaks in Chrome have just skyrocketed. Maybe I'm not the normal use case, but I typically leave Chrome and various tabs open for days or weeks at a time, and eventually causes Windows to panic and close Chrome to recover that memory. My wild-ass-guess is that it's related to HTML5 video but maybe it's something else. I freakin' love chrome, but the memory leaks are seriously making me consider something a little more stable.
Chrome is the only application I use that ever, ever has memory leaks now in 2015.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 3, Insightful) 351

Yes to #1, take your TV, throw it out the window. Tune your radio to NPR, install Ad Block, Flash Block, uBlock, Ghostery, etc. on your web browser. You will be shocked - SHOCKED - to find out from your friends when the latest summer blockbuster movies are coming out.
When I moved out of the house at 19 I did not take a TV with me, and I did not miss it. Only at 29 did I buy a TV, and only then so I could watch Netflix on a larger screen, in my living room.

Comment Re:Big truck != Big company (Score 1) 363

You can buy a used food truck/UPS van for just a few thousand. You can buy a LOT of truck used for twenty large. Independent delivery vehicles typically aren't bought new. If you're in that market as an independent contractor, you're lucky to have a dedicated consumer Garmin unit. There exists a market outside of the new 18 wheeler semitractor, which don't really fit inside of a city as dense as NYC.

Comment Re:Still don't trust SSDs (Score 4, Informative) 144

Their website says 10 Years or 150TBW for the 256GB model and 10 Years or 300TBW for the 1TB model. TBW is "terabytes written". Which isn't the "2 petabytes to failure" marathon test that took 6 months to complete, but 0.3 petabytes written on a 1TB drive is still a lot and way beyond normal consumer usage. My unofficial opinion is that only about 128gb is "hot" and the rest of the storage on a 1TB drive is typically "cold". Even a professional video editor is going to have trouble topping out their warranty.

Comment Re:Still don't trust SSDs (Score 4, Informative) 144

First and second gen SSDs were garbage, people are reporting 2 petabyte write lifecycles on them. Samsung just announced 10 year warranties on their consumer models. Intel has been offering 10 year warranties on their enterprise models for a few years now.
That said, if you bought anything other than Samsung prior to about 2013, the "old" OCZ in particular (the "new" OCZ is using the corpse of their brand name for Toshiba manufactured drives now) had failure rates in the 15-20% real world return rate numbers reported by retailers. Failure/return rates for all brands are below 5% for all manufacturers now. There was a dark period from 2011-2013 where a ton of terrible drivers and bad hardware shipped, but they're generally very reliable now. Everyone I know has moved to SSD for their primary drive, and are only using rotational drives for medium length local archival purposes.

Comment Re: Why do I get the funny feeling that (Score 3, Informative) 265

More specifically, Powershell is getting native SSH support. They didn't announce PS 5.0 will get it, but it's possible 5.1 or 6.0 will see it, version releases have been getting more frequent. A major change like full SSH support would warrant jumping a whole version number, I would think. Maybe released with the next version of Windows Server, sometime next year? That would be great news.

Comment Re:In short? (Score 0) 318

In my office "Working from home" is code for "I have more important things to do today, like open the door for the plumber to come fix my leaky faucet" and "I will answer email, in less than 30 minutes, but I don't expect to get anything worthwhile done today" and "Haha I don't have to take a PTO day for this! Genius!!"
Managers who are on multiple conference calls a day and spend most of their day talking and making decisions can actually be somewhat effective working from home, but unless you're doing "headphones on, cranking out brand new prototype code" I don't think working from home is particularly effective. Especially if you are on the maintenance/operations side of things. Those people/that mindset, their productivity is slightly above that of a corpse. At least a company doesn't have to pay for a corpse's health insurance.

Comment Re:Security team (Score 1) 517

I think you grossly overestimate the power consumption of a modern desktop. Modern PCs only use a couple of watts at idle, under 20. In most cases the display backlight is using more power than the PC. You would have to raise electric taxes to incredible rates for companies to change their policies.Not to mention the fact that power overnight is off-peak generation which is effectively free.
If you look at US power consumption, it's been flat for the last 15 years. This is due to advances in power savings in all electronics. The days of a PC that burns up 100+ watts and people who leave their 250 watt 19" CRT monitors on all day and all night with the screensaver running are over.

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