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Comment Re:You are the product (Score 2) 88

Why do people keep saying that? Nobody cares! It makes no difference to anything at any level. "Normal company"? They're all normal companies - they exist to make money. Which company isn't normal? You probably meant "companies you spent money with"; this is clearer; additionally it highlights the emptiness of your "point". People have been "the product" for years; whenever you turn on the radio, tv, pick up a newspaper, look at an advert or a logo on a branded item.

Comment Re:RIP firefox, lean and fast (Score -1, Troll) 132

LOL! I remember people complaining about the size of browsers. The browser IS computer usage for most people. I don't care if Chrome is a 1gig install as long as it works and is fast. Storage is cheap, bandwidth is cheap. Fast is all; lean is massively overrated, unless you're on a limited device. Show me a device where you can afford 10megs for a browser but not 100megs and i'll show you someone who needs to get a decent device.

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