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Comment Not surprising (Score 0) 188

As a long time Windows user, I didn't want a crApp Store. At the outset of this whole Win8 fiasco I said, "If I wanted an iPad, I'd already have one". So. I got a lot of down mods for that, IIRC. I think events since then have confirmed my PoV. If the customers don't want/don't care, then morale at MS has to be pretty low. Maybe they're just happy that anybody, Anybody, ANYBODY will show up at their party. That's not a recipe for a good relationship. Ugly person at the party, reeking of desperation... get's taken advantage of. Utterly and completely unsurprising. They shouldn't try to be cool. They should just go home and play on their computers. If they do, the coolness will come to them. Remember when it wasn't cool to be a geek? Where were we? Not at the party. At home. With the computer. Get it, MS? Go back to the drawing board, not the tablet.

Comment Just tag the entire Internet (Score 1) 131

Won't this just lead to the tagging of the entire Internet? After all, who really wants to stand behind what they say? The number of potential misinterpretations is virtually unbounded. As I've previously mentioned on Slashdot, just the few lines I've typed here have the potential to bring out some far-out inference. There's no way I can predict what it'll be.

So. Just tag the entire Internet as satire, not really true, nothing to get upset about, etc.

I'm thinking that we could just hand out Mr. Yuck stickers with every Internet-capable device that's sold.

Comment Re:Arms merchants are the real problem (Score 1) 264

No, the lawmakers and law executives in the pockets of arms merchants and other big corporations that profit from war and war mongering are the problem

Yeah, lawyers. There out to be a umm... there ought to be some kind of text that says something about lawyers, and we could have ummm.... some kind of enforcement that makes it stick. "That Text That We Wrote Enforcement" we'd call it. Hey, I think that needs some more work too. Like I say, lemme get back to you.

Comment Re:Just red tape? (Score 1) 142

The problem with looking at people with asthma who die from coal emissions is that you're not looking at people who die due to energy being too expensive. When energy is too expensive, people might stay in the cold house with stiff joints not getting enough exercise. They might forego medication or food to keep the heater going. How many lives does coal save because of the cheaper energy?

I'm not entirely disagreeing with you... it's just that when you start down the path of indirect analysis, you have to do ALL the indirect analysis. The "direct" deaths are easily and indisputably measured. The "indirect" deaths require pulling all kinds of other statistics, and if you don't have a very good imagination, or if you have some kind of bias, then you might not pull in all the stats and do it properly.

Comment Re:Too much surplus (Score -1, Troll) 264

unlike the military you don't have some Senator from a state with a lot of green bean farms and canning plants telling you that you must purchase pallets of green beans regardless of whether you want or need them.

No. We just have the government telling us we have to buy poorly-run insurance. If you're a guy you've got society telling you that you have to buy crystalline carbon at outrageously inflated prices for your fiance. The woman has to buy all kinds of "beauty" stuff to compete with the other women, despite the fact that guys have been telling them for years that they don't like all that goop on a face. They even did a study on that one that confirms it, but I doubt it'll change anything.

I think if you took "shit people don't really want to buy or have been brainwashed into buying" as a percentage of GDP, it'd be pretty big.

Comment Klan rallies down Main St. (Score 1) 457

Klan rallies down Main St. are part of the price we pay for free speech. So are rude comments, trolls, etc. Just like in real life, you send the cops in to make sure it doesn't get out of control. This story probably has hundreds of useless comments. They've been modded down. That would be like the cops arresting a KKK guy or a counter-demonstrator who were about to assault somebody.

Comment How about preventing KA? (Score 1) 98

What kind of modeling software do these guys use? On any high dollar project, I can't believe there isn't some serious CAD going on. The CAD programs should have packages that address these issues. Some of them will be unusual and it'll be a learning process; but nobody should build a car-melting building the second time.

Comment No, all the local government are OOB (Score 2) 327

We need to do something to prohibit governments from bargaining away the laws. We've devolved into a system where the law is for sale to the highest bidder. The USA's reputation for being less corrupt than other nations is becoming more and more of a joke every day because of stuff like this. Either justice is blind, or it's lame. No "different rules for different folks". Either your state has a code applied equally to all comers, or it's arguable that it has no code at all.

California isn't OOB. It's just cheating because all the other kids in class are cheating. Johnny looked at Joe's paper. Didn't get caught. What am I knocking myself out for? Jane knows math. I'll look at here paper. It works great until nobody in class knows math any more.

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