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Comment Re: How is this news for nerds? (Score 1) 1083

respectfully disagree, good sir. I come to /. for the political discourse because it is far above and beyond the vile discourse you find on most news sites. Here, people know how to debate. And while we aren't above getting personal and rude, generally the analysis here in the comments is insightful on both sides. Don't knock the political discourse on here, it's one of the best kept secrets on the internet.

Comment This assumes that women are witless ninnies... (Score 1) 1083

Whom, of course, the moment that polygamy becomes legal will immediately surrender their autonomy, careers, voting rights, and free will in general in order to cater exclusively to the nearest available rich man they can find, under the notion that a rich and powerful man can be a better arbiter of their own fate than their own selves. We will suddenly see a rush of beautiful hot women at every man worth 100K, eagerly negotiating with each other who gets to be first wife, second wife, etc, abandoning everything they've built in their lives just to get a slice of a rich man's pie, leaving all the not-so-rich and poor men to handle the ugly leftover dregs of femininity.

Comment Re:this thing comes and goes. (Score 1) 818

For the tl;dr crowd, the South wanted to count them as 5/5ths of a person and the North wanted to count them as 0/5ths of a person.

The problem is that the North came around to the right side of things with respect to rights, while the South only wanted slaves counted - not to give them actual rights.

But the fact is, things change. Things changed between the establishment of the constitution and the Civil War, just as things have changed between the Civil War and now. The time for this symbol is gone. If Southerners are the true patriots they claim to be, they'd throw away this symbol to tyranny and rebellion against their country and pledge allegiance to their real flag instead of worshiping the Confederation's rebellious symbol.

As I said, things change. But the South seems to be too stubborn to change fast enough. We in the North are tired of your social heel-dragging trying to keep us in 1950's America. The bottom line is that the world has changed. Fucking adapt, already. Or secede. Don't care which. Just get out of the way.

Comment Re:Um, what about history? (Score 1) 818

Racism goes away one thought, one step, one action, one symbol at a time. It does not go away quickly, nor without struggle. The de-consecration and minimization of this symbol of tyranny and rebellion is a long overdue step in this progress towards the end of racism. Accept that many find this symbol distasteful or offensive and that its time has come and gone long ago. And just as the fact that we have freedom to go about yelling the n-word doesn't mean that corporations have to give everyone a megaphone for their offensive speech, no corporation are required to give racist symbols a platform.

Comment Re:Abstraction (Score 1) 383

A good abstraction leads a user towards understanding, no matter what his level; a good UI reflects the abstraction, leading the user to use it properly, again, no matter what his or her level.

Git may have good abstractions (I'll take your word for it), but it has no UI to reflect it and so is opaque to many. In my attempts to use git, I've grown tired of wading through shitty web pages all of which give examples of use, but no abstraction description and no description of how these abstractions are to be properly used.

If you could point me to one of these documents that clearly explain git's abstractions and their proper use (actually, I'll take the abstractions only - I can probably work out proper use from that), one hopefully having both Windows and Linux information - professionals sometimes have to use both - I'd appreciate it. Until then, I'll have to be fine with using SVN locally and attempting to avoid git as much as possible.

Comment Re:There is no perfect lang (Score 2) 296

No one denies that one can write bad code in any language, but the accusation still stands - languages can help or hinder understandability with their syntax. C++, and it's desire for backward compatibility with C, led to some really unfortunately syntactic decisions that make the code less legible. Operator overloading isn't very good for understanding of performance characteristics (Is this adding 2 ints or an array?). Memory management has provided code bulk (because not everything can be RAII) and the plethora of pointer idioms one must navigate if one has any sort of sizable codebase that has been maintained by many others over the years. Now add on features and libraries so broad and complex that organizations actually have their own dialects of C++ (or so I am told) that their employees are allowed to use. Need I go on?

Frankly, C++ has advantages in some places, but aiding in making code legible and understandable is not one of C++'s strong suits. And I've worked on (and probably helped generate) enough crappy C++ codebases to know of which I speak.

Comment Re:It's more the Government than the ISPs. (Score 1) 181

Bullshit. Mirroring is not the issue. Government data collection, though a problem in its own right, is not the issue. The problem is with the corporations controlling the network space throttling bandwidth to screw over customers. A simple solution would be taking the "free enterprise" out of long-haul communication infrastructure. A government monopoly couldn't do much worse than these deceitful assholes. Or, of course, regulating the shit out of them until they straighten up. But I'm sure I'm just getting tired of their corporate shenanigans.

Comment Re:Misdirected Trust (Score 2) 27

Do you think the Chinese with their Great Firewall and monitoring aren't aware of every packet that goes across their network? You're asking us to believe that the Chinese love to let rogue agents from third parties use their gear and IP space even with all of the countermeasures they have in place? Maybe for cover. Thanks for your "insight"... I'll take Occam's Razor for $2000, Alex.

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