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Comment Re:Dead in the water (Score 1) 96

I am going to echo you, and add one other point: Valve claims their product lets you move in a 15' x 15' area. Whatever hand tracking system they use needs to work with you where you go in that area, and presumably also if you turn around. If NimbleVR (Oculus's acquisition) or another hand tracking solution can't do that, it wouldn't have been helpful to Valve anyway.

Comment Re:White balance and contrast in camera. (Score 1) 420

My wife asked me, and my answer was "black and .... blue, I guess?" I thought it was a trick question what shade of blue one would call it. Since hearing the point of the question, I can reliably identify the "black" as "muddy bronze," but the only way to trick my brain into thinking the dress is white (still with a blue cast) and gold is to take my wife's monitor and look at it from a 45 deg angle from the top. My monitor still looks blue from any angle.

Comment Re:Don't ask for advice online. (Score 1) 698

I disagree profoundly with you (and slightly with GP). You will find that there are indeed rules in life, and failure to conform to them begets consequences.

I do agree that she should live her life and make her mistakes, but where I differ is this: if she can make fewer mistakes, she'll be the better for it.

In my estimation, the worst sin in life is believing you have a monopoly on the truth.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 1) 599

Compare that with Net Neutrality. I completely support Net Neutrality, as does almost every other Republican I know that is younger and/or understands the internet. The only ones really against it are the old guys who don't even understand it but simply say "Regulation is bad, mmmkay."

Contrasting anecdote: The younger Republicans that I know IRL and who have opinions on NN do not fit your description. They're posting "Government Control of the Internet!" articles on their social media.

I happen to think they're wrong, but that's what they're saying.

Comment Re:Bring on the lausuits (Score 1) 599

I think you missed the point GGP made: that there is (at least) a third class who are "Those trying to do something that (might) make the internet a better place and doing so for their own greedy benefit."

Given such, it can be hard to see who is others-centered and who is self-centered. Though some groups (as you point out) are obviously the latter, some may appear to be the former but are in fact just as self-centered.

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