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Comment Re:Themes... (Score 1) 452

Oh my... Think a bit about this... You can not say, arrogantly, "just open the menu" if the distro of choice of the user do not have a menu. If the user chose a distro that has, great, will work! But... what if he chose one that does not have, like Ubuntu/Unity? In short: You can not blindly assume when giving support to a user

Comment Re:Themes... (Score 1) 452

Oh man, another clueless one... Dude, throw alway your colorfull googles and see the ENTIRE problem, please? Just one example: I start KDE, okay. More or less a "expected" desktop Windows-like. Now, open Kate to do some file editing. Ok, works as expected. Now open something GNOME-based. oh oh, copy/paste broken (because the application in question do not like to accept the default KDE way to do this). Try pgAdmin3, or some application using wxWidgets. Oh oh... WTF is going on? Another one have a GUI, but you need the CLI to be able to make then work.

Short version: IF, and i can't stress enought this IF, you use a more or less sane desktop like KDE, many applications still like to do things in bizarre and obscure ways. And worse, many of them do not like to play nice with the others.

Comment Tagging (Score 1) 126

I suppose that what you Americans call "tagging" is known in my country (Brazil) as "pichação". This "art" is made by animals marking their "territory", and the only thing that works well against this urban blight is a good bullet in the head. Or even better, two bullets to ensure. There is no more depressing thing than seeing your entire city tagged by these animals (And believe me, they also act and talk like animals).

Comment Re:Themes... (Score 1) 452

I see you do not have a clue about the problem. Re-read the problem: "re-training Windows users to use Linux desktop." This ALWAYS have costs, period. Time is money on any serious enterprise and time is spent showing users how to do things in a totally different system, and this time costs money given that during this time the staff in training are not producing.

In short, for those who are too lazy to read: Employees are not unable to adapt, but this adaptation takes time and costs money, and it comes out that the so-called "Linux retraining cost".

Comment Re:Themes... (Score 0) 452

Are you fucking nuts? Many Linux desktops do not even have a "start menu" to start, much less a uniform behavior in the common operations like copy / paste! I call YOU bullshit, you look like you never had to help a single normal user in your entire, short life. Go back to the basement of your mother and let the professionals work in peace, okay?

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