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Comment Re:No one (Score 1) 236

"Human" intelligence like childrens are "wetwired" in our monkey brains to be accepted, part of the "natural and know things" like trees and this shiny yellow thing on the sky. And AI is also "unknown", and all things that is unknown activates yet another irrational primate fear on humans. It's a very difficult situation.

I live in a country where the population acts as if he were still in the medieval Middle Age in cultural terms, and it is easy to find entire people on this planet still living as hunter/gatherers. try to explain in this environment that the fear of AIs is irrational. :-(

Comment No one (Score 1) 236

Humans are terrified of anything that they can not control, and a true artificial intelligence would be a good example. And things that cause such horror are perfect to be used as "evil things to be defeated by the good guy" in films. There are some rare and few movies that are exceptions of course, but as the focus of Hollywood is the "Joe six pack" then films that use logic rather than appeal to the irrational primate fear will remain rare exceptions.

Comment Re:Only IRAN is celebrating (Score 1) 459

Well ... Right now your government is funding a bloodless coup in my country to overthrow the democratically elected president and put a front in place (we call this "testa-de-ferro"). The goal is to divert our newly discovered oil reserves (pré-sal) for your country at the price you country wants to pay and prevent any attempt at independent initiative by the rulers of my country. We only do not rebelled and tryed to burn your country because the average Brazilian was domesticated for a long time and is trained from childhood to always obey without question (maybe CIA, local traitors, who knows), especially if the "boss" speaks English. And my country is only one of many countries where your country does this kind of things. So I can understand perfectly why Iran has so angry at you, even though I do not agree with their methods.

Submission + - NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Zips Past Pluto in Flyby (

mpicpp writes: “We’re going to do our 10-9-8 thing and you can get your flags out,” S. Alan Stern, the principal investigator for NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto told the people gathered here at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, which is operating the mission. “We’re going to go absolutely ape.”

About 7:50 a.m. Tuesday, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made its closest pass by Pluto, coming within 7,800 miles of the surface.

The crowd, which included the children of Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto in 1930, cheered.

As soon as it arrived, New Horizons was leaving, speeding along its trajectory at 31,000 miles per hour.

For now, no one knows how the spacecraft is faring.

New Horizons, which is in the middle of 22 hours of automated scientific observations, will not check in with mission controllers for several more hours, with the signal scheduled to arrive on Earth at 8:53 p.m. By Wednesday, the spacecraft will be mostly finished with the data-collecting phase of the mission and begin sending back the trove of information for scientists to delve into.

Comment Re:Females wants alpha males (Score 1) 173

Whoa whoa, read carefully before shooting out in all directions. I made it clear that it is usually an imposition of the female relatives, and considering you did not catch the the rest then I must complement that society also tends to do so. However, having said that it is also true that many women want a position of power through marriage to a man of power, and not necessarily to have children I must say, but to have power. And they will hardly find it on a course of CS, so ... Just join the dots.

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