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Comment Hrm (Score 2) 827

Problem 0: Not enough students are going to college
Solution 0: Add state and federally funded grants / loans to incentivize students to attend
Problem 1: Too many students are overcrowding our Universities
Solution 1: Increase admission standards to appear more "selective" and thus become more desirable so we can charge more
Problem 2: College is too expensive
Solution 2: Increase the availability of loans to everyone to help them offset the increased cost
Problem 3: None of our students are able to get jobs in their field now that they have graduated
Solution 3: ???
Problem 4: College students are coming out college with too many loans
Solution 4: ???

Comment Re:dumb (Score 1) 176

Thank you for a very reasonable response. I didn't intend to come off as snarky in my reply. I'm not certain that they would both have to raise their prices, competition generally causes price levels to decrease. The situation I can envision where prices might increase is when due to the halving (let's say that there is only one competitor) of volume, marginal costs might be higher ending up in everyone paying more. I'm not sure if the outcome of the duopoly would result in a price equilibrium situation or if eventually the market would either fragment or revert to a monopoly. Economics is pretty bad at telling us what will happen, but it describes the past quite well :)

Comment Re:dumb (Score 2, Informative) 176

In the USA, it is illegal to deliver first class mail unless you are the USPS, unless it is delivered at a cost of 6x the current USPS delivery rate.

We have laws preventing exercise of free enterprise in the delivery of standard mail.

Companies in the past have attempted to circumvent these restrictions and have been run out of business by the government through legal means. The competing company was quite successful financially.

Comment Re:network ignorance (Score 3, Informative) 331

Classification is carried out under the instructions in a series of executive orders, dating back to the early part of the 20th century, as well as the

Comment Become a SME (Score 1) 207

I'd suggest hunting down Lockheed, Boeing, or L-3 Communications (or another DoD contractor) and start working with them as a Subject Material Expert in whatever you did in your career. You get a very decent salary, don't really have to do much, and generally you can work with multiple companies at a time if you set yourself up as an independent contractor. Effectively, you can do what you like and what you know, and get paid for it.

Comment Re:I am not from USA (Score 1) 701

I'm not sure where you are coming from with a lot of that? It would seem to me that you have quite an axe to grind with a logical construct. If you can find me some examples of the things about which you write (e.g. a libertarian stating that " if the kid doesn't like getting bad touched or beaten for dinner they have the right to run away"), I will gladly attempt to address your particular grievances, otherwise I'll just have to assume that your ideological opposition has overridden your sense of logic.

Clearly many things that are intellectual constructs have aspects that one can fallaciously conjure into untold horrors, Democracy is no different in this respect. In a Democracy a large mob of people could vote to kill all of a smaller group of people just because they don't like them. Communism is equally vulnerable to the sort of analysis you apply to libertarianism above, if you are unable to work and contribute, what value are you to the collective? Surely you would be a burden and would best be dealt with by elimination or exclusion. If in response you assume that the commune would have a good heart and let you stay in contention to the interests of the mass, then you are allowing your predilection for the same to color your response.

Comment Re:I am not from USA (Score 3, Insightful) 701

don't even think about forming a Union, Liberty!

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free")[1] is a set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end.[2][3] This includes emphasis on the primacy of individual liberty,[4][5] political freedom, and voluntary association. A voluntary association or union (also sometimes called a voluntary organization, unincorporated association, common-interest association,[1]:266 or just an association) is a group of individuals who enter into an agreement as volunteers to form a body (or organization) to accomplish a purpose.

Sounds like Unions are fine so long as they are voluntary.

Comment Re:Classic 2D is best (Score 1) 710

If the motors used in the projector were brushless DC motors, then your basic premise of the motors operating at 2x speed would be correct. If the system used some sort of AC motor, then if you could somehow double the power input frequency, then the same basic premise would apply. Both of these examples assume that there is no power shaping going on inside the projection equipment which is most certainly false.

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