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Comment we doing it all wrong... (Score 1) 125

with a place like saudi arabia and all the bloody religious fanatic countries the ONLY thing we should export are BOOKS...books and fucking books again. And THEN after everyone damn reads them all and LEARN and understands how things works in a civilized world , we start to talk some actual business.... we are empowering states that if could have their way would bring humanity back to 1000AD... we are doing it thinking that we'll always have the upper hand....but if our side of the gear glitches.. I'lll be glad to see the heads of the military and politicians who enoforced these collaborations roll in the dust....

Comment thank you for spending my money on shit (Score 1) 184

/rant on fuck this crap, people... fuck all this military shit...seriosuly..we need other things in this world, not this nonsense... we could have free housing and food for everyone...they are not privileges..they are what everyone needs and should have. Work is just slavery and you know that, money is the ultimate enslavement tool. Wake up people.... fuck the 1% and their war shit.. and fuck religion fanatics too...

Submission + - A thumbs-up for NSA Internet spying on foreigners... (

Mr_Nitro writes: WASHINGTON — Endorsement of the NSA’s Internet surveillance programs by a bipartisan privacy board deeply disappointed civil liberties activists Wednesday while providing a measure of vindication for beleaguered U.S. intelligence officials.

Comment what I really find disguisting... (Score 0) 304

is that less than 100 years ago oceans were absolutely pristine... and now we know the dangers of our actions and yet the legislators and politics which should be our public servants and represent the global voice of the people are ignoring the situation and taking only weak and localized actions. Where are we heading? Waiting for a random natural bacterial mutation to solve all our problems? Is it still a matter of 'faith' with humans? 'Someone' / ' something' will take care of it... We should change radically remove all our current ruling class and do the best we can with our only Planet, cease this totally insane tribal 'economy' driven society and do only what's best to live in a balance with the environment. We are little men that can only build a fleet of massive solar powered cleaning boats if someone move some paper and numbers in a computer to allocate 'xxx' billions in some bank account. This is so insane.....

Hospitals Begin Data-Mining Patients 162

schwit1 (797399) sends word of a new and exciting use for all of the data various entities are collecting about you. From the article: You may soon get a call from your doctor if you've let your gym membership lapse, made a habit of ordering out for pizza or begin shopping at plus-sized stores. That's because some hospitals are starting to use detailed consumer data to create profiles on current and potential patients to identify those most likely to get sick, so the hospitals can intervene before they do. Acxiom Corp. (ACXM) and LexisNexis are two of the largest data brokers who collect such information on individuals. They say their data are supposed to be used only for marketing, not for medical purposes or to be included in medical records. While both sell to health insurers, they said it's to help those companies offer better services to members.

Comment so.... (Score 1) 461

What is all this bullshit nitpicking crap I read? You are trying to say that the whole MF Sun is not enough to power this filthy planet-landfill of ours if we really WANT to? PV is not the best solution anyway, solar thermodynamic (Nevada Solar One , or Andasol alike) is easiest and less process intensive to manufacture.... Price is nothing, price is a value that we give to some piece of shit table game paper bills... we just need to DO the best thing....

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