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Comment Re:The "what?!" is reaction time (Score 1) 304

It also means that, instead of just being charged with "distracted driving," the perp can be charged with "texting while driving" and "driving erratically" and "distracted driving," which adds up to triple penalty (including jail time!) unless he gives up his right to trial and allows himself to be railroaded into a "plea deal."

Comment Re:People who don't read it are telling us about i (Score 2) 65

That's got to be a large part of it; they're a waste of space. Imagine a stack of hundreds of those things, turned on their sides. They would occupy a whole seat. With Skymall gone they can compress your knees further into the back of the guy in front of you and cram in an extra row of pig crates.

Comment Re:It's just moving your trust to someone else (Score 2) 83

Do you have an example?

To my naive understanding, the output of any encryption should appear random. Then, encrypting anything random should also be random -- the only effective difference should be that you now need (some mathematical function of) both keys to decrypt it.

I could accept that the above could be wrong, but I'd love for you to explain why it's wrong.

Comment Re:Good news (Score 4, Informative) 422

Then you have Khan. Perfectly good movie. And you had nerds raging because herpaderpawhiteguynamedKhanNoonienSingh.

No, we had nerds raging because the damn thing had plot holes big enough to drive a fucking starship through (except you don't NEED to drive a starship anymore because we can just BEAM TO GODDAMN Q'ONOS now...)!

Comment Re:Most calls not really from Dish (Score 1) 247

If Dish continues to exist, they will continue to need people to install the dishes -- whether they're outside contractors or Dish employees. Either way, you could still continue installing dishes.

If Dish went out of business (and DirecTV's sales didn't increase to take up the slack) and demand for satellite installations decreased to the point where your company went out of business, well, that's the owner's fault for not diversifying.

Regardless, concern for your well-being as a a Dish contractor is not a reason to disregard Dish's law-breaking!

Comment Re:Translation: (Score 2) 158

AMD64 would never have reached the market unless Microsoft had ported Windows to run on it.

I don't believe that. Since x86-64 is backwards-compatible to 32-bit OSs, It would have been just fine for AMD to release it running 32-bit Windows. It was still as faster processor, after all, whether it was running in 64-bit mode or not.

Then customer demand would have forced Microsoft to provide x86-64 support, Intel's wishes be damned.

In fact, the way I remember it, that's pretty much what happened. The first x86-64 chips came out in 2003, but Windows XP Pro 64-bit didn't come out until 2005. Even then, and most desktop users with 64-bit CPUs continued using 32-bit XP and didn't switch to 64-bit Windows until Vista (2007) or even 7 (2009). (I distinctly remember dual-booting 64-bit Linux and 32-bit WinXP for several years...)

Comment Re:It's just moving your trust to someone else (Score 1) 83

You could always use several layers of encryption, written by different groups (e.g. a GPG'd file inside a Truecrypt container, stored on a Bitlocker volume inside a Windows virtual machine run on a Linux computer with encfs).

And it gets even better, because if you end up choosing the best shitty compromise that actually kind of works, you flag yourself for extra scrutiny because you are using an effective solution. FML.

This part I have no solution for. : (

Comment Re:Yawn ... (Score 1) 228

The toys of the rich become the tools of the poor, when given enough time. Yes, the rich will get all this stuff soon, but eventually, if successful, they will become so cheap everyone will have (or be able to have, should they wish) one.

Anyone who is enthusiastic about something might overemphasise its abilities, especially if they are trying to sell it. If you know that you won't get quite so offended or surprised by these pitches not precisely panning out in the long run, saving us from having to read the age-old faux-outrage responses again and again and again every time someone attempts to introduce a new way of doing things.

The petty ramblings of billionaire technologists are allowing you to read what I'm writing, so I'm not sure you can call it mostly drivel...

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