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Comment Re:Texas! (Score 1) 172

It is stupid. You do not have to build a new city for them. There are many cities already built for them to choose from.

Sometimes you have to cut your losses and stop making stupid decisions. Also it is a free country. If they really wanted to rebuild then ok. No Federal funds for the re build and no future funds for disasters.

Comment Re:Texas! (Score 1) 172

Social Security is much more expensive than it needs to be. People who live in areas where tornados happen should plan for it.

Rebuilding New Orleans was stupid. A city built below a large lake and an Ocean will be destroyed again. We really need to relocate those people not help them build in the same place.

Government is stupid. Always has been, always will be.

Do you have any idea how bad of a retirement plan Social Security is?

Comment Re:Texas! (Score 1) 172

First. Government waste is well known. Helping people via committee of bureaucrats is never good.

Second. The reason government does military is simply because we can not put that in the hands of private corps. I am sure until they use it to take over though we would have better equipment and better training for less money though.

Third. We can play the trace back game all you want. The truth is that prior to private enterprise the internet and the web sucked. I mean really sucked. Government has a role. Military, Infrastructure, Law Enforcement, Minimal regulation of shared things, and R&D on things that have no known commercial applications, or things where commercial application is too far off or to big of a capital investment yet is good for the public. Space travel, Internet, New Energies, Pure Science.

The government needs to step back from things it started. Moon landing not possible without government starting. Asteroid mining, orbital factories and colonization not possible without companies looking for a profit.

I remember Gopher. I remember when there were no real "Search Engines" just lists of places in categories of the internet. Google is what happens when people do things. Not governments.

Comment Re:Texas! (Score 0) 172

Most university education only constrains people who are already smart and motivated to learn.

Today, education is at will. Those who want to know a thing can. The education system has been taken over and is closer to an indoctrination system than many are comfortable with.

You should hear the crap my children used to come home sprouting. It all started with D.A.R.E. When the government decided that lying to children was ok if it was justified by the end result. The problem is when you lie about what drugs do, and the children find out they think drugs are good. Thank God I could teach my children the truth about drugs and what the real dangers are.

We have the state paying for degrees in some seriously stupid shit. If you want to major in "Womens studies" with a minor in "Native American basket Weaving" more power to you. Though I do not want my tax money subsidizing it and I would suggest that you do not go deep into debt learning it.

Comment Re:Third hand? (Score 2) 77

I would prefer a third hand, with one more hand you can do much more than with just two additional fingers.

I am sure you are correct but controlling an extra arm may not be as intuitive as the extra fingers. It looks to me as if the programming kinda makes the fingers work with your natural movements to give you a little more capability.

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