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Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 1) 425

So the fact that you can Opt out of the personalization of ads based on your private usage data. Apple states that by opting out your ads will be less relevant.

You may see the same number of ads as before; however, they may be less relevant because they won't be based on your interests.

Also I never stated that you are not the product of Google. I did state that they do not treat you that way. Google treats me much better than Apple does. The fact that you need to yell about and cuss does not make your point suddenly more valid.

You can visit the Apple site above. Then you can Opt out of their personalized ads and tracking.

Then. You can state again how they do not personalize your ad content based on personal information.

Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 1) 425

No. The original comment was that Apple sees you as a customer and not as a product. This is untrue. If you look at it even though Google makes most of its money off of you as a "Product" they treat you like a really great customer. You get all kinds of "Comped" and "Free" services. The stuff you do buy )Android, Google Apps for Business) are fairly open and allow you to take all your info with you if you leave and Google even shows you all the stuff they have on you and allows you to selectively delete the information or keep it as you see fit. Apple does everything it can to lock you in and lock you down. If anything Apple seems to see you as a slave that is lucky to be allowed to use their products at all. The info that they do collect on you and sell to third parties most people do not even know about. If you do know about it you are not allowed to see what they have on you and sell much less remove what you want from it. The only thing you can do is opt out if you were smart enough to read through their 90 page agreement (EULA / Disclaimer / Fuck you and the horse you rode in on ) is to opt completely out,

Apple will never let you see what personal info about you they are selling. Google will not sell the info. They use it themselves to target the ads for companies. I know Google uses information to target ads to me. It is not hidden. Most people know this. We know it and can see it and can delete what we do not like. Apple people do not know and most will run around and tell me that Google is evil and selling all my info. (Google uses my info to target ads, Apple sells my info so others can do whatever.)

Until you can see that Apple is as bad or worse than Google when it comes to the stewardship of your personal information then you have no business talking about it.

Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 3, Informative) 425

Sure. You go right ahead and click the agreements for your iDevices and iSoftware. Do not bother to read it. Apple loves you and would never sell information on you for profit to their "Partners". I bet no matter how hard you look you will never see ... Ohh, wait.

Is this where you could opt out of iAds tracking?

Interesting. I am sure they give away targeted ads to their advertising partners for free though. Because they do not want you to look like a fool.

Comment Re:I hate to be this guy... (Score 1, Insightful) 188

No. That is the problem. They think that forcing others to do good will make them feel better, but it does not. That is why they are never satisfied. They must always fill that hole. If they would just get off their asses and hand out food at a soup kitchen that hole would be filled and they would feel better and the world would be a better place.

But that is not how the government wants us to be. So entitlements and division are the carrot and stick they use to keep us on the path.

Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 1) 425

I was pretty sure it could not be explained to you. So I did not.

Others though tried. As I predicted their effort was in vain. Much like a person vested in being a Democrat or a Republican in order to to be ok with your bad decisions you must see all evil in the other guy and all good in your side.

Sad really how the media has turned everyone into a fanboy. (Apple, Android, Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican) All you can really do is hide in your little safe corner where your previous decisions are safe from your own scrutiny.

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