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Comment Re:It must be disappointing (Score 1) 138

I only got into one small edit war once and it was enough to discourage me from ever contributing to wikipedia again. The concept of deleting knowledge (not correcting or challenging it; DELETING it) just strikes me as wrong on a visceral level.

The worst part is that it probably wasn't deleted by a malicious HD Radio hater. It was probably deleted by somebody who was too lazy to be careful with his edits.

Comment Re:It must be disappointing (Score 1) 138

It's your own fault. You were supposed to monitor the page every hour, and get friends in different time zones to watch the page while you slept. That way as soon as somebody so much as corrected a spelling mistake you could revert it nearly instantly and discourage other hooligans from messing with your article.

Hasn't wikipedia taught you anything?

Comment Re:I told you so (Score 4, Insightful) 303

The alternative is an Internet controlled by the ISPs, which can simply be paid by the RIAA and their friends to shape traffic as they see fit. The only way to prevent people with deep pockets from controlling your network access is to own the network yourself. Hell, if I remember correctly your "naive people" were demanding government interference BECAUSE the ISP sysadmins were blocking paying customers from using P2P protocols -- with no government involvement at all. When you're paying to use somebody else's network you're at somebody else's mercy, period, full stop.

P.S. Don't interpret this post as a defense of government involvement.

Comment Re:sigh (Score 1) 577

What it means to be 'liberal' or 'conservative' can be vastly different depending where you are

The four political poles are liberal, conservative, libertarian, and populist. Sometimes they go by different names but a liberal is by definition one who supports controls on industry but also in personal freedom, while conservatives favor controls on personal freedom but a free market. In the USA, those who call themselves liberals and those who call themselves republicans are both overwhelmingly populist. The democrats and republicans both favor big pork; the dems want to tell you what kind of media it is okay to consume and the republicans want to tell you what you can do in your bedroom. Between the two of them we should be delivered directly into massive fascism in no time. How different are things on the other side of the pond, really?

Comment Re:"Not for ________ use" (Score 1) 422

My point is that expensive certification could still prove to be substantially cheaper than a purpose-built medical device.

No toy company wants to deal with the shit that medical device regulating agencies (not the plural) can and will send their way. Not for any amount of money.

(Medical device engineer here, with a crapload of shit from $THREE_LETTER_AGENCY coming his way.)

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