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Wireless Networking

The Assassination of Wi-Fi 258

justelite writes "John C. Dvorak from PC Magazine has up an article looking at the new strategy of American cell-phone-service companies. From article: 'There is mounting evidence that the cellular service companies are going to do whatever they can to kill Wi-Fi. After all, it is a huge long-term threat to them. We've seen that the route to success in America today is via public gullibility and general ignorance. And these cell-phone-service companies are no dummies.'"
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Middle Eastern Islamic Moderate: A Mythical Animal? 30

Ok, you can call this JE the definate admission to something you've all suspected about me for some time. I've lost ALL faith in the possibility of resolving peace within the next 15 generations of mankind. I think our current administration (By firing generals and intelligence sources that didn't toe to their lies) have corrupted the middle management of the armed forces to the point that they don't know how to win a war against Islamic Extremeists. They were counting on big support from the

Submission + - Outsourced call centre jobs returning to UK

fiannaFailMan writes: The BBC is reporting that more UK companies are reversing the call-centre outsourcing trend.

"Hello, it's my car." ''Your cat, sir?." "No, my hatchback." "Your bad back, sir?" "No my car, it's a hatchback." "Your cat has a bad back, sir?" "Arghhhhhh!" ...Just 4% of people have had a good experience when dealing with a call centre, according to a recent survey by YouGov. Over half of those asked said their biggest gripe was having to contact call centres outside the UK and more than a third admitted to shouting and swearing at agents because they got so frustrated.

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