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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 225

Or not: "One clue to the importance of climate: Bumblebee ranges began shrinking 'even before the neonicotinoid pesticides came into play in the 1980s,' says ecologist and coauthor Alana Pindar, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Guelph in Canada."

Please RTFA. Thank you.

Comment Re:Surely this is simply a natural, normal process (Score 2) 225

I know, no one likes to RTFA. But if you did: "One clue to the importance of climate: Bumblebee ranges began shrinking “even before the neonicotinoid pesticides came into play in the 1980s,” says ecologist and coauthor Alana Pindar, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Guelph in Canada."

Comment Re: Hooray! (Score 2) 225

If I'm reading your multitude of comments on this subject correctly, you're saying, "fuck the wild honeybees, private industry will just make more of them and truck them around more and everything will be okay. yay capitalism!"

Is that about right?

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