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Comment Re:This will do WONDERS for Yahoo's image! (Score 5, Insightful) 328

Why, just the other day, a coworker told me how much he loved Bing coming back after every round of Windows updates.

Windows Update doesn't do that. Microsoft's anti-malware tools sometimes do, if they detect that your default search provider or homepage have been changed to malware sites. Both Windows Defender and the Malicious Software Removal Tool get updated with Windows Update every month, so maybe that's why his settings kept being reset.

Comment Re:This will do WONDERS for Yahoo's image! (Score 4, Interesting) 328

Microsoft started flagging the Ask toolbar as malware recently in Windows Defender, and automatically removing it. They did so because the Ask toolbar changes your default search provider without asking. Seems like if they made the Java installer do that too, the entire installer would be flagged as malware by Microsoft.

Could be interesting.


The Next Java Update Could Make Yahoo Your Default Search Provider 328

itwbennett writes: At the company's shareholder meeting on Wednesday, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer announced a partnership with Oracle that could result in Yahoo becoming your default search provider in your browser. Starting this month, when users are prompted to update to the next version of Java, they'll be asked to make Yahoo their default search engine on Chrome (and Internet Explorer, for what it's worth). And, according to a Wall Street Journal report, the button will be checked by default, so if you aren't looking out for it, you might unwittingly find yourself a Yahoo user.

Comment Re:Why did you view the comments? (Score -1, Flamebait) 473

I just keep submitting SJW stories in the hope that high blood pressure eventually kills them all off. Is it actually possible to talk sometime to death? Can it be murder?

The good news is that they are losing. GamerGate is dead, the people they harassed are still there, the FBI and the courts slapped them down. It's a shame they can't just die quietly and have to make all their noise here, but at least the end is approaching.

Comment Re:Separation of powers or the rule of law, anyone (Score 4, Informative) 242

Nothing was pulled from the court's rectum. The ruling is based on Dutch human rights legislation, which implements the European Convention on Human Rights that they signed up to, and so which likely can apply in other European countries too.

The argument is that severe climate change will harm many people, violating their human rights. It's similar to how severe pollution by the state would violate their human rights, only over a longer period. Since the state must consider the human rights of all human beings (it's not like the US where only US citizens count, European human rights are universal) it must act to avoid violating those rights by altering the climate beyond a certain level.

Comment Re:What about low-income boys? (Score 0) 473

If you make a soup kitchen and deny a poor person because of their race, that's racist.

A better example would be shower facilities. If you offered homeless people a shower, only had room for one communal facility so decided to limit it to just women, would that be sexist? There are good reasons for segregating communal showers.

Don't take the analogy too far, obviously you could alternate days or something. The point is that there is a good reason for having a girl's only class here, merely providing extra help for girls is not detrimental to boys.

Comment Re:Comments make me despair.... (Score 0) 473

It's the trolls, specifically the Men's Rights Activists, winning. Every story gets flooded with their comments very early on, and as more reasoned voices who actually have something to say about the issue come in later they languish unmoderated. I've noticed systematic efforts by some of the MRAs to mod down people saying things they don't like, which isn't what the moderation system is for.

Sad to say, but you will probably get more than -1 Troll mod for your perfectly reasonable, well constructed post just because it contradicts the MRA victim mentality.

Comment Re:What about low-income boys? (Score 0) 473

Perhaps a better example would be the boy's locker room. Is is sexist to deny girls entry to the boys' locker room? Or keep boys out of the girls' bathroom?

In this case a specific need for segregation has been identified. It's an introductory course, and as soon as it ends girls return to a mixed environment to learn computer science. So is addressing a specific need (like having to be naked to change clothes) with segregation sexist, and if not the question becomes if helping girls spark an interest in programming with an introductory course is sufficient justification.

Comment Re:What about low-income boys? (Score -1, Troll) 473

So, because boys shown an interest in computers whether that is because of (FTFA) computer games or because of some other computer experience in high school; we should deny those kids access to education that could cultivate their interest because a kid with a different gender didn't have the same interest and we must have gender quotas??

You will note that the programme only aims to make up for the fact that boys have more informal opportunities to become interested in CS. That's all it is doing - allowing girls to try it out and spark an interest. Education is still done at school in a mixed environment, so there is no denying boys access to education.

You make an interesting argument though. If I give money to a charity for cats, am I discriminating against dogs? I only have a limited amount of cash. Should I divide my donation equally among all charities somehow?

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