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Comment Re:"It's a Wonderful Life" was in the public domai (Score 1) 302

George is a two dimensional character, like all others he is merely functional to the story, so you might sure think this film is crap, but justify it with different reasons, because the legality or moral acceptability of the main character's behavior is completely unrelated to the quality of the movie.
If the movie sets bad examples, that becomes a problem for the viewer, for society maybe, but not for the movie itself.

Comment Re:me dumb (Score 1) 157

The problem is that people keep insisting that action at a distance is spooky because it doesn't match their model of how things behave, forgetting about the fact that the scale of our perception is different from parsecs or nanometers.

What's wrong with particle A being entangled to particle B without nothing ever being between them? What's wrong with the same entanglement working with a positive or negative time delay, so the result is visible before the choice itself (which doesn't BTW imply the lack of free will)?

This is like saying the rules of conway's game of life are not realistic because one dot can emerge from nothing. OK, doesn't model our universe, So What? All alternatives simulation rules are equally arbitrary, and we simply consider emergence from nothingness a problem because we don't see it happening in our world. If it happened we'd have other models of reality, they would work as well as those we have, and if somebody made a simulation where nothing gets created from nothing we'd scratch our head and say: "Why?"

Comment Re:Might want to check your facts (Score 1) 368

Good day Mr. Literal, you have a very limited concept of "work" but I don't blame you, it's a sign of the times.

Usually, an HD does not mangle filenames nor folder layouts, nor needs updating a firewire_id entry every time a different system mounts the ipod, else have it misbehave.

"Youâ(TM)ll find your music there randomly scattered across multiple folders and with scrambled file names"

I have used Ubuntu for a long time and have 12.04 version. Love it to bits, but the only problem is when we want to put different music on iPod products. Use Rhythmbox, but that doesn't work, it just seems to remove all the music. (suggested solution: use a VM)

Before android got dominant and ditched usb storage, the ipod was unique in having basic I/O functionality made difficult on purpose.

Comment Re:Instead... (Score 4, Interesting) 356

because their algorithm is exploited. because the internet is migrating to stupid youtube crap which contains the info you needed after 15 minutes of irrelevant stuff. because wikipedia, which for all its good intentions is a monoculture, gets top spot.

and finally, because by dictating which protocol you should use, caching be damned, and which mobile layout optimization should be performed, they ceased being a search engine.

A search engine is about Content not Presentation.

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