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Comment Frequent updates and background processes. (Score 1) 243

Background processes are annoying, if I notice them (and they're not doing anything that helps me in an obvious way).

But the main thing that makes me uninstall apps is that I use them infrequently but they want to update frequently. If you want to update a lot, you had better make an app I use a lot.

Comment Re:No F#$KING way (Score 1) 567

Here's a US DOT study that definitely hurts the idea that speed limits increase safety.

Safety statistics and studies concerning Germany's Autobahn system (feel free to look for them, I don't have time at the moment to search deeper) have suggested that speed is not the problem, but the way people actually drive is. Stay left if you are faster, right if you are slower, and yield the left lanes to anyone going faster than you.

Comment Re:Sorry, but not here (Score 4, Interesting) 337

That would be less problematic if our prison system at present weren't operated in such a fashion as to make these individuals even more dangerous and damaged than when they came in, and then continually discriminate afterwards in ways that make it unlikely for them to be successful after release. We really need to take a look at which countries successfully release prisoners who go on to lead lawful, fruitful lives, and then emulate those systems.

Comment Re:I'm the only one smelling BS here? (Score 1) 330

The corporate entity known as Cisco isn't the one who pays the taxes. Uncle Sam gets his cut when they pay their employees, shareholders (if they get payouts, of course), and in other regulatory fees.

Accounting is a strange world, my friend, but you'll find that in the big picture, Cisco is making a lot of money for the government even if they aren't paying it directly.

Comment Re:Psyops at its finest. (Score 2) 216

what's really interesting is that they'll have to be careful, lest they contradict the documents Snowden appropriated. We already have no reason to trust them. If they want us to believe them, they're going to have to use such opportunities to be verifiable rather than "take our word for it".

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