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Comment Re:The best outcome of all would be a ban. (Score 2, Interesting) 66

Can we just ban it already and be done with it.

Disagree. The best outcome would be that Elon Musk buys it, runs it into the ground along with The Artist Formerly Known as Twitter, he goes bankrupt, both sites are shut down, and the populace realizes that social media for more than socializing with actual friends and family is damaging to society, causing the rest to shut down, and finally, finally, Slashdot returns to being a shining example of what discourse can be.

Comment Re:Why buy TikTok? (Score 1) 66

It doesn't make money. [b]It exists to funnel information[/b] to the PRC and possibly to inflict damage to the social fabric of competing nations.

If someone thinks they can make a profit cloning TikTok, let them try. Vine already went under.

The answer is within the question. It isn't necessarily about profit. At least not in the "I can directly charge the users" sense. But - for instance - imagine what kind of blackmail material you could derive by say... pointing an LLM at it. If PRC finds value in the information in there, others can too. Heck, there's precedent for US law-enforcement agencies to throw money at companies who spy on US citizens... because that way they aren't spying on US citizens.

Submission + - Why a 'frozen' distribution Linux kernel isn't the safest choice for security ( 1

Jeremy Allison - Sam writes: Cracks in the Ice: Why a 'frozen' distribution Linux kernel isn't the safest choice for security

This is an executive summary of research that my colleagues Ronnie Sahlberg and Jonathan Maple did, published as a whitepaper with all the numeric details here:

Steven Vaughan-Nichols is covering the release of this
data here:

Comment Re: Not news (Score 1) 141

It's not news to iPhone users that Samsung and Google have shifted to a 7-year support cycle? Maybe your iPhone is too old to show that there's a summary and article involved, not just a headline. You might want to consider upgrading. I mean, Google and Samsung now have 7-year support cycles, so that opens doors for you.

Comment Re:Try doing that with no computers (Score 1) 35

I am basically the opposite of a crypto expert. However, I do know enough about cryptography in general to know that this basically can't work. There is no way that I would trust a stranger, who had just handed me a piece of paper with a QR code on it, unless I could verify the QR code. In fact, it wouldn't even be enough to verify the QR code. I would want to move the funds into my own wallet first. After all, the stranger could easily have an accomplice that withdrew the money the second that I verified that the funds existed.

The note generator is an interesting idea, in that you can have a QR code that verified the existence of the funds, but you could cover up the secret with a scratch off covering. However, the person receiving the note would still have to trust the person creating the note to not have recorded the secret elsewhere. You could never trust such a note to actually be worth what it said on the front.

About a month ago I spent a week in Peru. For the first time in a couple of decades I used cash as a primary means of transacting business. I purchased things both with Peruvian soles and USD. Both of these currencies worked because the notes that were passed around were sufficiently well done that they passed as genuine. It is very possible that I handled some forged bills, but the bills were all good enough that they spent fine all the same. I did have one $10 bill, however, that was worn enough that no one would take it from me. Heck, I tried to give it away to the uber driver that drove me to the airport (I had already tipped him in the app). He wasn't interested because he knew that he would have trouble spending it. Personally, I don't blame the uber driver. I wouldn't have been interested either. Nor would I be interested if someone tried to pay me in Amazon Gift cards or some other form of payment where the value can easily be manipulated. Unless I knew the person well, I would immediately assume that I was being scammed.

Comment Re:It isn't a problem humanity can 'solve' (Score 2) 67

> The signal (man-made climate changes) is still below the threshold of background noise

Are you referring to the IPCC report that says, and I copy-paste here: "Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming," "Climate change has caused widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages" and "observed climate change has caused adverse impacts on human health, livelihoods and key infrastructure."? Or are you making your own assessments that are not at all based on any report? What signals are you referring to specifically? Maybe provide some citations.

> But a "crisis"? No, not yet.

Well we found a cancerous mass, and it's definitely malignant, but it hasn't metastasized yet so we can't really call it a "crisis."


Comment Re: Itâ(TM)s the file system, stupid (Score 1) 121

and you can remember the artist and/or title of every track?

How do you find a song file in a file system directory if you cannot remember the artist or title?

Isn't that like how you don't need a menu system to look for a rarely-used application whose name you have forgotten because you can just type the name of it into the search bar?

1) You do know that songs are still organized in folders, right? The general structure is artist\album. If users like my friend want a different structure like year\album\artist they could not get that. 2) You do know that users can easily scroll songs by Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Composer, etc right? That is in addition to any search. 3) Again, if you don’t remember key details of a song like artist, how would you have found that file navigating a file system directory?

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