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Comment Re:There is no replacement, that could be why ... (Score 1) 944

What exactly is making the LED dim? CFL are indeed crap unless you buy quickstart and those are likely only available in tubes. But LED? NO reason why they shouldn't be plenty bright in the cold. No gas in them, solid state electronics too. An issue can be the electronic connects maybe but otherwise? No issue should be had...


My comment related to BS is the sheer bucketfulls of crap I hear people repeating word of mouth about LED which is what it sounded like you were repeating. Yeah, really cold weather where you're at causes problems guys down South don't see but this shouldn't be one of them. LED are pretty much solid state and with the cold they might even last longer.

Comment Re:Crony Capitalism (Score 1) 944

I replaced 4x 120Watt floods with LED that draw no more than 20watts each. Some of those floods were on for hours a day at nightfall and others popped on when motion was detected. While I don't expect to notice a huge drop in my power bill I feel pretty good knowing I've saved some power. I only replaced one of them when it blew and when I saw the LED was just as good I swapped them all out - one set even has MORE light than the bulbs it replaced if the box is to be believed.

I have friends with a large home - they have zillions of these incandescent bulbs in ceiling "cans" in their home. The silly things are at least 60 watts apiece and flipping a switch turns out 4-5 of them at least. I know it will cost but I'm getting them to slowly switch over and the savings of going from 60watts each to 12 should be pretty significant IMO.

Comment Re:They aren't banned... (Score 1) 944

The LED bulbs in all of my enclosed fixtures - about ten of them - haven't failed and some of them are 2 years old. CFL on the other hand do pretty badly in thoseand I had to replace them about once every year or so.

Halogen bulbs, in the same wattage as incandescent, are at least 30% more efficient which is why they are allowed. Where is this added heat you speak of coming from?

Comment Re:What is the best way to buy some in bulk? (Score 1) 944

I have replaced some incandescent bulbs I was using as plant lights (they burned out - again) with LED bulbs. Before I did this touching the housing was likely to remove my fingerprints, now with the LED I can grab the bulb bare handed and unscrew it if I want - no problems. Yes, LED produce some heat but nowhere in the ballpark of what incandescent did.

Comment Re:What is the best way to buy some in bulk? (Score 1) 944

How about using devices for heat that are INTENDED to produce heat? You think it's the same as a baseboard heater? The one that's temp controlled and placed correctly? Why the hell would you want a baseboard heater? Most of the world lives in those climates? Really? How about we use light bulbs for light, block heaters for warming oil, and high SEER devices for producing circulating warmth in a home instead of being an idiot trying to justify an inefficient lightbulb?

BTW - specialty bulbs are legal for things like hen houses, they will just cost more. Why not shop here for the silly warming bulbs?

Comment Re:What is the best way to buy some in bulk? (Score 3, Interesting) 944

I'm using some of the LED floods from that Home Depot page as well as some Cree and the ones with the yellow phosphor on them. The floods use maybe 20watts apiece and replaced bulbs drawing 120watts apiece. They dim fine, they throw a ton of light, and I know they don't get hot although outside I could care less. The packages on that page are multipacks but when I first started buying bulbs single bulbs could be as much as $40 - they're still running 2 years later. I've swapped out a ton of the older bulbs and many of the fluorescent ones too. So far no LED have burned out on me and they light well. I no longer feel the need to keep a bunch of bubs in the closet - I don't ever need replacements. I couldn't say that before!

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