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Comment So what's the solution? (Score 2) 1

They don't offer any. Going back to caves? Energy rationing? I'd *love* to be able to put up some solar panels on my roof and call it the day but that isn't there yet (being 30+ cents per KWh).

Fukushima was the result of incompetence of Tepco. It leaked even before tsunami hit. After it hit, instead of trying to restore pumping ASAP, they acted indecisively, tried to cover up and lied a lot.


Submission + - Ask Slashdot:Time For A PC That Runs Only Off RAM? (itproportal.com) 1

hypnosec writes: Google's newly announced Chromebook comes with 1GB RAM and a 16GB SSD drive, the first netbook, the Asus Eee PC 701 came with 512MB RAM and a 8GB SSD Drive. With the price of RAM at an all time low (you can pick up 24GB RAM for under £100), it might make sense to build a computer that relies on RAM exclusively both for long term storage and system memory. The advantages of moving to RAM only are multiple; much faster read/write speeds compared to SSD and hard disk drives, simpler layout (basically just multiple memory module slot), no fragmentation, very little heat dissipation, and much easier upgrade path.

Submission + - Best QA Software Testing solution for TFS?

cwrinn writes: "My company is branching out into the field of QA Software Testing. We develop on Team Foundation Server, so being able to couple into that is a prerequisite. I'm wondering, what is the favorite solution of /.ers in the field?"

Submission + - Kinda Anti-Competitive (nytimes.com) 1

mr crypto writes: When Google created Places it had an eminently sensible type of crowd-sourcing in mind. The site contains millions of listings, and when owners close without updating their profile, the job falls to customers to keep information current. But like any open system, this one can be abused. Search engine consultants say that closing a business on Google has become an increasingly common tactic among unscrupulous competitors.


Comment Re:Opression (Score 1) 23

Well, I'm only about 70% Libertarian. I don't think 100% Libertarianism would work. But that's besides the point. I think you should be able to say what you want without being shut up. The moderation system on /. is broken.

I've also been on /. for a while now (~12 years I think) and it's special to me too. Sad to see it turn ever more into an echo chamber.

Comment Opression (Score 1) 23

Someone said that Slashdot is a giant echo chamber. The majority shuts up the minority by down-modding. I believe the moderator guidelines say you shouldn't down-mod an opposing point of view (quote):

Concentrate more on promoting than on demoting. The real goal here is to find the juicy good stuff and let others read it. Do not promote personal agendas. Do not let your opinions factor in. Try to be impartial about this. Simply disagreeing with a comment is not a valid reason to mark it down. Likewise, agreeing with a comment is not a valid reason to mark it up. The goal here is to share ideas. To sift through the haystack and find needles. And to keep the children who like to spam Slashdot in check.

I guess the majority of moderators didn't read that. This moderator oppression is Slashdot's fault. Since they don't seem to be able to stop moderators down-modding posts they don't agree with, maybe they should disable down-modding altogether?

I get mod points every six months these days and when I do, I try prevent what's happening to you. I think I get killed on meta-modding because I try promote interesting views. I peeked through your down-modded comments and none of them were trolling or inflammatory. Comments like yours are why I read comments on Slashdot at all. Once they've shut you up, I'll stop reading comments.

Submission + - Solar Company Folds After $ 0.5 B in Subsidies (bloomberg.com)

dusanv writes: Solyndra, a Silicon Valley solar energy firm subsidized to the tune of 500 million and held as a as a "gleaming example of green technology" announced bankruptcy yesterday. 1,100 employees fired.

Comment Going too far (Score 1) 4

While it's true that big pharma is far from innocent when it comes to corrupting the system, this is a little out there:
Pharma companies make billions producing vaccines. Vaccines do nothing to reduce disease
Sure. And I'm Peter Pan.

Submission + - Galleon Billionaire Convicted of Insider Trading (washingtonpost.com)

Haffner writes: "Hedge fund billionaire Raj Rajaratnam was convicted on all 14 counts of fraud and conspiracy Wednesday in the biggest insider trading case in a generation.

The verdict was an historic victory for the Justice Department, which used tactics once reserved for investigations of mobsters, drug dealers and the like to expose financial professionals and corporate insiders trafficking in such business confidences as details about pending mergers."
No news on sentencing yet, but this looks like the conclusion to a massive insider trading case.


Submission + - Your Electricity Meter is Spying on You (eff.org)

lee1 writes: "If you have a 'smart meter' it is collecting data that can reveal when you wake up, when you leave for work and come home, when you go on vacation and when you take a shower. This data is commercially valuable and, if sold to third parties, can lead to privacy invasion on a massive scale. The California Public Utility Commission is reacting to the gas & electric company's mass installation of these meters with new proposals for strong privacy protections."

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