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Submission + - Ubuntu for Mobile Phones and Smartphones (

An anonymous reader writes: The popular Linux based operating system, Ubuntu, was announced by Canonical to be running on Android devices. Ubuntu is one of the new operating system that will challenge the dominance of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android system. Just recently, Mozilla, the creator of Firefox web browser has launched their very own Firefox OS. Another Linux based operating system called Joli is now being developed and is moving from laptops to smartphones.

Submission + - Google engineer shows how to forge swords and knives (

An anonymous reader writes: Niels Provos, an engineer at Google working on malware and phishing protection, is showing on Youtube how to forge knives and Viking swords. The process is absolutely fascinating and follows the steps of Viking blacksmiths from a thousand years ago. It starts by taking small bars of metal that get heated and hammered together until they become a solid piece. He then shows how to form it with the hammer, heat treat and polish it. All the videos are narrated explaining the purpose of each step. Sure beats sitting in front of the computer.

Comment Terrible review (Score 1) 66

I am not going to even download this book for free based on this review. I just hope, for the sake of whoever does get to read the book, it is not as full of cliches as this review.

"perfect storm of nerd-incubation factors"
"Savetz' ... blossoming into an engaged, social animal. "

I am sorry, but the vision of a nice introverted kid turning into an engaged animal is too terrible to contemplate.

Comment Global warming -- so what? (Score 1, Troll) 623

Northern Europe where *I* live can do with some warmer climate. Why should I pay more for my power because of some future possible water shortages in "[river basins of] the Ganges and the Nile"? We must *prepare* for Global Warming, which may mean, for example, helping India and Egypt to build desalination plants and to grow more food in places which were too cold previously.

Comment Space is good (Score 2) 315

Spending money on ambitious projects in space will make India richer in more than the monetary sense of the word. How much do you value the pride of a nation? Or the pride of individual engineers working on a space program?

Not everything is measured in GDP. You need big ideas to unite people and to create (at least an illusion of) movement towards the better life.

Comment You get what you pay for (Score 1) 222

Free (ad-supported) and cheap internet services can be very good and useful, but they have to compromise between ease of use, security and cost. You want your data to be relatively safe? Compartmentalize (with different methods of access: cloud, local disk, non-erasable storage like DVDs), distribute (home, office, bank safe), switch off access when not needed.

And use different passwords for different sites, please!

Comment Re:What ideas do the /. crowd have for fixing this (Score 4, Interesting) 250

5) Other: BBC -like,

that is a public news service, funded by the taxation or a license. Yes, it is not fully free from the government control, but it is still better than commercial services which seem to be levitating to more entertainment (cats) and to less expensive reporting (Syria).

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