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Comment Re:Yeah right. (Score 2) 99

Even if the words are 100% correct, it doesn't mean that the translation makes sense. A while ago another employee decided that instead of sending the text for a screen to our translation team, they would just use google or bing translate. Not long after they did that, a co-worker in México called me laughing hysterically. He said what they had for the machine translated Spanish for "Orders in Queue" actually meant "Commands in the ass".

Comment Re:Magic Pill - Self Discipline (Score 1) 153

It isn't so much the diet as it is the will of the person to change their behavior. They need to get their mind focused on a goal and decide to not live the way that they did in the past. I used to be over 300 pounds and tried a few things over the years that didn't help very much. I'd get on a big project and gain the weight back again because I was eating crap food and was always at my desk. I had some heart rhythm problems one day and to help diagnose the problem, my doctor had me wear a heart monitor for a week. After hearing about this, my mom and my older sister drove 1000 miles (some of it through a blizzard) to take care of me. After that, I swore that I'd never put my mom through that again and I wasn't going to be the lardass carted off to the hospital in an ambulance ever again. Monitoring my food intake via smartphone apps has been a huge help in addition to making what I eat at home instead of going out or eating pre-packaged stuff. I'm nearly 100 pounds down from my max weight and would be doing better if I could just stop doing stupid things that limit my ability to exercise (hell, I didn't know that shoes could be considered "worn out" before all the tread was off the bottom and that you can mess up your legs trying to run with them - but I do now. :) ). I do creep up from time to time, but as long as the trend is going down, I'm happy. It's nice to hear "hey, man, you're getting skinny" from time to time, but I still have more to lose and until I'm at my goal, I'm still a lardass that needs to work at losing weight.

So if your friend wants a doctor to prove to him that a particular diet plan to work, then it doesn't sound to me like he's had a "I have change, or I'm going to fucking die" moment. I hope he comes to that realization before he has any serious problems and can get to a healthy weight.

Comment Re:Magic Pill - Self Discipline (Score 1) 153

I see no reason why a pill couldn't be made to inhibit the intake, or facilitate the evacuation of, an unhealthy level of fats and carbs in the same way we can with sugars.

That already exists: If the first time you take it and then eat a really greasy meal (fried chicken, pizza, ribs, onion rings, etc), the next trip to the toilet will be a surprise. It will look like the Exxon Valdez ran around in the toilet bowl, but with globs of orange fat floating in the water instead. Also, when one feels and hears a rumble deep in your guts, it is time to find a bathroom as quickly as possible, because as Jim Lahey would say "the express shit train is all greased up and ready to leave the station".

Comment Re:Magic Pill - Self Discipline (Score 1) 153

Have you had your doctor calculate the amount of calories that you need to maintain your existing weight? If so, shoot for 500 calories below that and as long as that is above 1000 calories for the day, you should lose weight. The 1000 lower limit is often considered the point at which the body goes into "starvation mode" and can start storing fat (although a friend went on a 600 calorie a day diet for a few weeks to try address his diabetes and lost a bunch of weight in the process).

Comment Re: Storage (Score 2) 516

I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. Electric cars are still too expensive and impractical for most people. Not everyone lives in a house where they can install their own charging system or can afford to buy a vehicle that's just for commuting. Battery production will need to improve quite a bit in order to supply that number of vehicles too. Hopefully by the time they are more practical, the utilities will have improved their side of things, not to mention home solar & wind generation should be cheaper by then too.

Comment that depends on the college.... (Score 1) 226

The bookstore at my alma-mater sold bumper stickers of the unofficial school motto: "Sex Kills! Go to Tech and live forever". I went to a small rural high school and there were 36 kids in my graduating class. Unfortunately, there were more attractive women in my high school class than there were in my freshman year in college. This was before the Internet was available, so when people weren't studying, they were watching TV, drinking, or doing things like making explosives in their dorm room to blow stuff up in the mountains.

Comment Re:So, does water cost more? (Score 1) 377

In the real world we save our best seed and livestock year to year using that to grow the next generation.

The part about saving seed hasn't been that common place in western countries for several decades. Registered seed growers could do that, but then again, their harvest goes to a seed company, not the general market.

Comment Re: Yeah right (Score 2) 308

Or if Google announces another Google Fiber city that would take a lot of their existing customers. Then they'll roll it out, but just in that market. The sooner that ISPs are required to lease their infrastructure to rivals, the sooner that customers will have real choices and the result is lower prices and higher speeds like in other nations. Until then, they will milk their customers for all they're worth with the existing offerings.

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