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Comment Re: Did they make money on Surface? (Score 1) 117

AC wrote :-

Wait, so you're saying Surface isn't good for watching cat videos?

No, he is saying that Surface is excellent for cat videos :-

Now, they cater to people watching cat videos. At the moment, there is no device close to the Surface Pro for this purpose.

I shall take his word for it.

Comment @TapeCutter - Re:What is critical thinking? (Score 2) 553

[the value of g is] handy to know but not essential to [memorise] since it can easily be looked up or measured. A physics teacher who sets up a gravity problem and expects students to know the value of 'g' from memory, is doing it wrong.

It that a joke? We are meant to set an experiment to measure g every time we need to know it? Like pi it is one of the constants that anyone in enginering really does need to know off the top of their head. It comes into calculations all the time (remember, you are talking about physics being taught here). Not just in an engineering career either. I used it yesterday in working out some stresses for a DiY job I am doing.

Compared with the thousands of things I had to memorise as part of "learning" French and German languages at school (a complete and utter waste of time and stress), learning a few physical constants is a breeze.

two bodies attract each other with a force proportional to their combined mass and the distance between them .. the force is ~9.8m/s

LoL ! Someone else has already commented on your misunderstanding of gravity and what a force is. Sounds like you even missed the principle of the matter, which is even more important than the value of the constant.

Comment Re:OSX is a hammer without a handle (Score 1) 296

ogdenk wrote :-

And if you're wanting to use KATE, why the hell are you using a Mac anyway?

If you read the thread, HuguesT had said "Nearly all of the development tools of Linux are available on OSX via ports, brew or simply compiling oneself." Mr_Wisenheimer was making the point that while possible it was not simple, and as an example described installing Kate.

Whether using Kate on the Mac is a good idea or not is beside the point; Kate was just an example of installing a Linux tool - a mainstream and vey common utility.

Comment Re:What a wonderful article (Score 1) 296

That bar graph of a spike starting in 2007 would more likely be related to the release of the iPhone. ... Developing for the iPhone required a Mac. ... Anyone wanting to get in to iPhone development had to have a Mac and it started mainstreaming the Mac.

So that makes about 25,000,000 people developing for the iPhone. (additional Macs sold 2007-2014 compared with continuing at 2006 rate, roughly, halved to acount for replacements). Very likely.

Comment K. S. Kyosuk - Re:She would've flunked the test (Score 3, Interesting) 200

That reminds me of the old joke about the male athlete who planted someone else's urine to clear himself of doping charges. "We have two good news for you; first, you've been cleared of the charges, and second, you're pregnant."

It happened - was a racing cyclist in the 1970's, possibly in the Tour de France. Dope tests were relatively new then and only used in the topmost races.

The "other person" was his wife. The sample was given in front of a doctor, so "planting" someone else's urine would have been very difficult. The story I heard (as told in the "Cycling" newspaper) was that before the test he emptied his bladder behind the bushes and refilled with his wife's urine via a catheter. AFAIR he was not a top rider, just a lowly domestique desparate to stay in contact with the race. He was certainly not cleared of charges.

Comment Re:Regulation or Legislation? (Score 1) 59

. Your honor, my client is susceptible to gambling, so this should/should not be taking into account during sentencing.

So there would be an expectation that the client should be treated more leniently? I don't understand why this should be an excuse if that is what you are suggesting (our brain patterns must be different - LoL). How about an analogy :

"Your honour, my client drove into someone because he is susceptible to drinking, so please sentence him lightly".

Anyway, since when was it necessary to study brain patterns to establish if someone is a compulsive gambler?

Comment Re:To their defense (Score 1) 314

I'll reverse the question: how do you pay by cheque? The dealer doesn't know if the cheque is real, and it takes time for them to get the money.

Since you say "dealer" you seem to be talking about cars. When you buy a car it would be unusual to drive it straight away. If it is new and you have specified a particualr colour and accessories, it is going to take a few days (at least) for the dealer to get one. Even if it already on the premises the dealer will (or should) want to give it a check-over before releasing it. So in the meantime you give him the cheque and he sees it clear.

Even using a debit card for a big purchase, I am not going to have $20,000 sitting in my current account in case I decide to buy a car that day. I will be looking around for a good deal and when I find it I will only then transfer the required money into my current account - something I would rather do at home than on a mobile in the dealers with a salesman breathing down my neck.

Comment Re:To their defense (Score 1) 314

Since you don't use cheques in most of Europe, how do you manage large transactions for things like vehicles?

In the UK cheques are still used widely. I have just written one for my house having been re-roofed, and many people pay utility bills with them. They are not taken in shops any more.

Comment Re:Hilarious (Score 1) 97

To be honest, a political organization should not receive such emails directly anyway

NATO; an academic working on Russian issues; - these are not "political organisations" (NATO is a defence organisation). You think they should say to the world "Please send all emails for us via our local security police" ?!

They should know who is sending the information. Knowing and keeping up with the sender is .. important

It might be an anonymous tip-off. In this case it sounds like the emails were posing as just that. Ironic from an anonymous poster LoL!

Comment Re:Hilarious (Score 4, Interesting) 97

... unsolicited email is bad, NATO and other sensitive document handling people, ok?

If NATO or any other agency working on defence or international relations issues receives an unsolicited email purporting to list pro-Russian extremist activities, then they certainly should open it. That is part of their job - to remain in touch with these affairs. Chances are it is a hoax or scam, but they should still check. Otherwise it would be like the fire brigade refusing to pick up the emergency calls phone in case it is a hoax.

OTOH, they should open such emails in a sandbox suchas a VM, preferably in a non-Windows environment. They are professionals - they should be able to handle this sort of thing.

Comment @AC (#48138981) - Re:Not unexpected.... (Score 3, Interesting) 97

Bill [Gates] also said 640k should be enough memory for anyone (I have the audio recording!)

Really? Please could you give a link to that. People have argued over and over whether he really said that. He denies it himself, so it would be very interesting if a recording exists and can be made public.

Comment Re:Analog displays are better in some situations. (Score 1) 155

That's the reason why even if I own a really nice Multimeter, I still use an old analog one from time to time (because of the too-fast response time of Digital)

I bought a mid-range digital multi-meter and was disappointed to find there is no damping on the readout. Even such a simple thing as reading a battery voltage the display acts crazy until you press the probes on really hard and keep dead still. As a result I still reach for an old, really cheap (it was from Tandy) little analog meter for most jobs unless I want particular accuracy or something out of the analog meter's range.

I would put a damping circuit in it myself if there were any means of doing so (the display is surface mounted on the PCB). I so mistrust it that I will not use it for checking that house mains circuits are dead before I work on them. That is a sad state of affairs.

Comment Re:Analog displays are better in some situations. (Score 1) 155

Also, don't forget "survivor bias" - how many meters of yours work vs. how many were made? I mean, everyone says "stuff was built better in the past" yet we're not flooded with antique radios, classic cars, old TVs, etc.

In fact I have a lot of old analog stuff (multi-meters, audio kit) that my father left. I am currently refurbishing his multimeter - only because the sockets for the test leads have corroded, nothing wrong with the analog galvanometer itself.

Much of that old stuff did not "die", people threw it away because they assumed newer stuff was better, or because the old stuff becomes incompatible. Marketing droids see to the first, and as an example of the second I threw away a tube TV only because it would not receive digital broadcasting; another example is my father's camera which would last for ever except soon you won't be able to get film processed any more.

Older stuff did not look better, but tended to be made better, partly because people expected things like cameras, TVs, and even early PC's(!) to last their lifetime. I have some 1950's kitchen cupboards now in my workshop containing tools, nuts and bolts etc of massive total weight. I could have replaced them with more modern surplus cupboards but have put those in the trash instead, as there is no way they could have stood that weight. I do tend to keep a lot of older stuff; but because most people do not, they never see a direct comparison so do not realise the race to the bottom in quality that has been going on for a generation now. It is the boiling frog effect.

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