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Comment Re:This just in: (Score 2) 531

they aren't after your stupid guns

I guess you weren't paying attention this last year.

Obama I believe just signed an executive order which, affects exported/imported firearms. You are being naive, they are constantly after all of our rights, including our 2nd amendment.

PS "they" isn't any specific group or person. It is our government and society at large.

Comment Re:Language is hardly relevant (Score 3, Interesting) 437

Swing is one of the few things I've seen leave programmers speechless with frustration.

umm what? as much as a pain as layouts can be to get things to do what you want, swing was still really well done and is incredibly flexible and versatile. I'd hardly call swing something form planet weird. And having worked with solaris/sunos some, it's really well done as well. Honestly, saying sun was from planet weird is just... weird to me :P

Comment Re:Concusion detection tech (Score 2) 240

Do you understand why they added protection in the first place? It's the same with all those stupid macho arguments about football players wearing all that protection while rugby players don't and therefore are manly.

here's the spoiler. it's because people died. Football is a collision sport, that is different from rugby and hockey, even though they certainly have some high speed collisions, it is not as constant.

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