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Comment Re:To be fair... (Score 4, Insightful) 405

Nonsense. Football announcers always have clear and lucid insights into the game. Like these:

"We've got two physical teams here." - insider information from Tommy Jackson

"The Giants will have to play physical football to beat the Panthers." - Daryl Johnson pointing out that a psychological strategy will probably not work

"You have to do well on third downs." - Joe Buck demonstrating his mastery of the nuances of the game

"The team that plays the best defense is going to win this one." - Mike Ditka pointing out that the team which allows the fewest points will generally win

If it wasn't for people like that, I wouldn't realize that the team that scores the most points wins (I've also heard an announcer helpfully point that out during a game).

Comment Re:Deprecating the telephone system (Score 4, Insightful) 162

Haven't realized? Are you kidding?

They fully realized it. But they'd be first admitting to eating babies alive before they'd willingly talk about that. And they'll fight tooth and nail against anything that could come close to merging "phone" and "data". The reason is very simple: Phone IS already data to them. But data they can sell very, very, VERY expensively.

Ponder for a moment how much data a voice call is. Realize just how well it can be compressed.
Ponder for a moment how much you pay per minute for cell plans.
Now take a wild guess how expensive a kb of that data is for you.

Multiply by a few thousand and you come close to the real value of "voice data" to your carrier.

Comment Nature has other objectives (Score 2) 68

There are of course natural entities that are lethal, but they are lethal as a by-product. No parasite, no virus, has the death of its host as its primary goal. Usually, the host dies from the unpleasant side effects of the parasite's primary goal: self preservation and propagation.

If you turn those objectives upside down (i.e. primary goal: Maximum damage, secondary goal: sustain existence) you sure as hell can increase the potential for lethal effects!

Comment Re:About Time (Score 1) 123

There is exactly one reason why they do that: If they don't, they can kiss the storage business abroad good bye. Nobody would ever even think about touching any of their storage services with a ten foot pole, and, if sufficiently security conscious, contemplate moving away from MS wherever possible. At the very least in the server area, if possible at clients, too.

And I'm not that certain whether companies in the US would agree with it either.

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