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Comment Re: Irresponsible (Score 5, Informative) 354

Crime continues to rise and you think America is getting better? Why not address the violence culture instead of their tools? Oh, that's right... It's because you feel it infringes on your rights to live in a culture who makes sport and entertainment of violence.

FBI Statistical data disagrees with you (FBI Violent Crime Table). I realize the mainstream media has brainwashed a large number of people out there to believe the sky is falling on this issue, but it's really not.

Comment Re:Irresponsible (Score 1) 354

It's virtually impossible to stop crime from happening; that's why the SCOTUS has affirmed that it's not the responsibility of police departments to prevent crime, but to to try to catch and punish those who commit them. Printing a 3D gun doesn't violate anyone else's rights, it's when someone uses that gun to violate the rights of others that they've committed a crime... and we don't need any new laws for our government to try to catch and prosecute those that do it.

Comment Re:dont want it (Score 1) 187

How is that different from Google? Even using a Linux based system, whenever you open your browser to do something, if you have chrome synchronized, if you use gmail or g+, or whatever? And I don't use an Apple, but even on Windows iTunes is constantly checking for updates and wanting to install new stuff (unless you go out of your way to turn it off... but again, how is that different than the others?). I'm asking because people apply different standards to the companies they don't like than they do to the ones that are "blessed." I have Windows 8.1, I did not create an account. Nevertheless, even Windows 7 and XP do their software validation crap every so often, too... so if you're already a Windows user, you were already accepting that. All I'm saying is that the complaints about 8.x are like most arguments on the internet.

Web forums... turning molehills into mountains since 1994.

Comment Re:Irresponsible (Score 1) 354

Another invalid comparison... Your right to own a car is like the right to own a gun - it does NOT go away because other people have caused laws to be created punishing those who drive unsafely... and laws apply to people using weapons unsafely, but the right to own and use the gun remains. Please note, I know the knee-jerk reaction from liberals is hard to for them to temper, but he didn't say you can't limit it's use, he said the right doesn't go away.

Comment Re:Irresponsible (Score 2) 354

Good point... one that people often fail to grasp. I support decriminalization of all drugs... yes, ALL drugs, as the individual should have the right to do with their body what they want. The most common come-back I hear is "so then it's OK for them to kill you for money to support their habit?"

Uh... no, it's not OK. Only a moron could conclude that.

I support the decriminalization of prostitution. The most common come-back I hear is "so then it's OK for a pimp to essentially force a woman to sell her body for him?"

Uh... no, it's not OK. Only a moron could conclude that.

Guns are tools, used for entertainment, sport, self defense... as soon as someone uses one to violate your rights, you can go ahead and execute them, as far as I'm concerned. But get rid of the person that violated your rights... "things" don't violate your rights, only other people do.

Comment Re:Who Cares? (Score 3, Insightful) 354

And the fact of the matter is that I don't even own a gun, nor do I particularly want one, but I fully support gun rights (so the logical fallacy is proven a fallacy in one simple case). I support gun rights because I support freedom, and freedom comes with some costs. In many of the countries with people with attitudes like this, they don't even have the right to free speech.

Comment Re:Behind the curve (Score 1) 1040

So your argument is that we can double (again, in most parts of the country) minimum wage and keep inflation in check... by firing a whole bunch of people and increasing unemployment... and that that's a better solution? Because unemployment is already high, most people don't have multiple jobs.

A slight increase in minimum wage wouldn't "drive inflation through the roof," you have to understand this is a SIGNIFICANT increase in minimum wage.

Comment Re:dont want it (Score 1) 187

And I installed a new 8.1 and didn't have to create an account, either. People are looking for any minor thing to gripe about - it's like most discussions on the internet, where they'll overlook the same flaws for something they like (whether it's an OS, a religion, or a political party), but complain about it in the "other" ones.

Comment Re:Behind the curve (Score 1) 1040

That's pretty disingenuous of you - minimum wage and minimum wage increases are part and parcel to inflation - if it drives costs up, even if those costs are less than the wage increase, for people making more than minimum and don't get an increase, it's inflation, and when the minimum wage jumps not just fraction, but nearly double (which is what $15 would do for most of the country), the effect is worse. I didn't say it caused the sky to fall, or natural disasters, I'm saying the relative spending power of people making more than minimum wage drops dramatically. Loss of relative spending power = inflation, and it's worse for those who are now already right around that new minimum wage level and don't get any increase.

Comment Re:The only reason (Score 1) 187

This is what's getting me... and I use Linux almost exclusively, but it's always been the case that when someone complained, they were jumped on by a bunch of Linux nerds saying stuff like "but you can just disable that, install this, install that, tweak that config file, and you're all set!" Now it's like installing Classic Shell means the OS must be crap... it's not. For my Windows usage, I've experienced both 8.0 and 8.1, and just can't figure out what all the whining is about.

And it's always funny to see the same people that were berating people for needing the latest hardware years ago (in which Linux support always seemed to lag), to now often arguing people need to upgrade their hardware if you want this or that feature to work.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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